
Tenacity and inactivation of human norovirus on different materials of consumer goods in food production and processing
Goal: The objective of the research project is based, on the one hand, on the effective inactivation of noroviruses by disinfectants in food production plants and communal catering facilities and, on the other hand, on the lack of reliable disinfectants and reliable tests for testing the efficacy of disinfectants. The aims of the research project are therefore to collect data on the survival of human norovirus on different material surfaces, to investigate the inactivation of human norovirus with different disinfectant agents and to clarify the extent to which the surrogate viruses FCV and MNV are suitable for disinfectant efficacy tests.
Contact: Prof.'in Dr. Barbara Becker (Former member ILT.NRW)
Funding programme: Project funding by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (via AiF - German Federation of Industrial Research Associations) via the Research Association of the Food Industry (FEI) (AiF 16970 N)
Funding code: 16970 N
Duration: 2011 - 2013