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6201 Publikationen
2010 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 2754
Müller, U., Schwarzer, K., Dammann, A., Lange, H., & Krüger, H. (2010). Wirkstoffgehalte von Medizinaldrogen nach mechanischen Sattdampfentkeimungen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82(9), 1578–1579.
2010 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 2763
Schwarzer, K., Schneider, J., Müller, U., Becker, B., & Wilhelm, P. (2010). Lemgoer Datenbank für D- und z-Werte: Anwendung für getränkeschädliche Mikroorganismen. Brauwelt, 150(18), 540–544.
2010 | Monographie | ELSA-ID: 2779
Vetter, A. (2010). Sitzen: Über eine reizvolle Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Design (Vol. 1). Baunach: Spurbuch-Verl.
2010 | Konferenzband - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2815
Dercks, B., Frahm, B., Grünewald, M., Kenig, E., Lautenschleger, A., Gorak, A., … Zecirovic, R. (2010). Intensified absorption and distillation devices for modular chemical production processes. Proceedings 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Prague, CZ: Czech Society of Chemical Engineering.
2010 | Sammelwerk | ELSA-ID: 2858
Vetter, A. (Ed.). (2010). It’s not bad: Kreative Raumkonzepte rund um die Wanne (Vol. 2). Baunach: Spurbuchverlag.
2010 | Patent | ELSA-ID: 2873
Brod, H., Frahm, B., & Kauling, J. (2010). Verfahren zur Reduzierung von Ablagerungen bei der Kultivierung von Organismen.
2010 | Patent | ELSA-ID: 2874
Brod, H., Frahm, B., Jenne, M., & Kauling, J. (2010). Bioreaktor.
2010 | Patent | ELSA-ID: 2875
Frahm, B., Kauling, J., Pütz, A., & Schindler, M. (2010). Begasungssystem.
2010 | Konferenz - Vortrag | ELSA-ID: 2892
Frahm, B., & Brod, H. (2010). Cultivation of sensitive cell lines - Improving bioreactor performance by Dynamic Membrane Aeration. Presented at the 6th annual Optimizing Cell Culture Technology-Meeting as part of The Bioprocessing Summit - Practical Solutions for Today’s Laboratory Challenges, Boston, USA.
2010 | Konferenz - Vortrag | ELSA-ID: 2913
Dercks, B., Frahm, B., Grünewald, M., Kenig, E., Lautenschleger, A., Gorak, A., … Zecirovic, R. (2010). Intensified absorption and distillation devices for modular chemical production processes. Presented at the 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA , Prague, Czech Republic.
2010 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | ELSA-ID: 2932
Materna, D., & Barthold, F.-J. (2010). Error analysis and improvement of first-order design sensitivity relations. Presented at the GAMM Annual Scientific Conference (International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), Karlsruhe.
2010 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | ELSA-ID: 2946
Materna, D., & Barthold, F.-J. (2010). Improvement of first-order sensitivity relations based on an exact formulation for the change in the state due to design perturbations. Presented at the IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM2010), Paris.
2010 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | ELSA-ID: 2947
Materna, D., & Barthold, F.-J. (2010). An exact representation of variational design sensitivity relations and improvement of classical frst-order formulations. Presented at the An exact representation of variational design sensitivity relations and improvement of classical frst-order formulations, Lisbon.
2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2084
Lohweg, V., & Schaede, J. (2010). Document Production and Verification by Optimization of Feature Platform Exploitation. In Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 20-22, 2010.
2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2085
Lohweg, V., Gillich, E., Glock, S., Mönks, U., & Schaede, J. (2010). Intaglio Based Banknote Authentication. In 2. inIT KBA-Giori International Workshop on “Detection of Banknote Forgeries.” Orell Füssli, Zürich, 22-24 March 2010.
2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2086
Lohweg, V., & Mönks, U. (2010). Sensor Fusion by Two-Layer Conflict Solving. In The 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing. Elba: 14-16 June, 2010, Elba Island (Tuscany), Italy.
2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2087 |

Mönks, U., Lohweg, V., & Petker, D. (2010). Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier Training with Small Data Sets. In IPMU 2010 - International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems. 28 Jun 2010 - 02 July 2010, Dortmund, Germany.
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2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2088
Niggemann, O., Lohweg, V., & Tack, T. (2010). A Probabilistic MajorClust Variant for the Clustering of Near-Homogeneous Graphs. In 33rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2010) (Vol. 6359, pp. 184–194). Berlin: Springer.
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2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2089 |

Lohweg, V., & Mönks, U. (2010). Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier based Sensor Fusion for Machine Conditioning. In C. Thomas (ed) (Ed.), Sensor Fusion ISBN 978-953-307-101-5 ed by Ciza Thomas. SCIYO.
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2010 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 2090
Lohweg, V. (2010). Wie Bild- und Maschineninformationen in Automatisierungssystemen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus verschmelzen, Bildverarbeitung-Quo Vadis? In Fachforum Automatisierung für Technologie und Innovation „solutions“. Universität Paderborn.