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321 Publikationen
2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6849
D. Materna, “Computation of changes in local quantities of interest due to design modifications,” in Proc. of the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) and ECCOMAS Congress, 2021.
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2021 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | ELSA-ID: 6851
D. Materna, “Computation of changes in local quantities of interest due to design modifications,” presented at the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Virtual Congress, 2021.
2021 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz | ELSA-ID: 6853
D. Materna, “Reanalysis for local quantities of interest,” presented at the GAMM Annual Scientific Conference (International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), Kassel, Germany, 2021.
2021 | Zeitschrift | ELSA-ID: 6885 |

O. Hall, M. Cardinali, and J. J. Dorf, Eds., urbanLab Magazin - Fachzeitschrift für Stadt- & Quartiersplanung, no. 7. Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2021.
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6898 |

N. Beckmann, “Statistical influence of travelling distance on home advantage over 57 years in the men’s German first soccer division,” German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 2021.
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2021 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6908 |

C. Oldenburg and A. Häusler, “KI-gestützter Wordcloud-Generator für Beteiligungsprozesse,” in REAL CORP 2021: Cities 20.50, creating habitats for the 3rd millennium, smart - sustainable - climate neutral : proceedings of 26th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, M. Schrenk, V. V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, C. Beyer, J. Ryser, G. Stöglehner, and CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, Eds. Wien, 2021, pp. 481–487. doi: 10.48494/REALCORP2021.1116.
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2021 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6910 |

A. Barbosa Jardim, M. Müh, A. Häusler, and A. Kondziela, “Synthetic and Tangible Agents for an Activity-based Urban Planning Tool,” in REAL CORP 2021: Cities 20.50, creating habitats for the 3rd millennium, smart - sustainable - climate neutral : proceedings of 26th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, M. Schrenk, V. V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, C. Beyer, J. Ryser, G. Stöglehner, and CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, Eds. Wien: CORP - Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, 2021. doi: 10.48494/REALCORP2021.1049.
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2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6913
A. Frühwald, K. Frühwald-König, and Y. F. Loh, “Future Potential of Palm (Trunk) Fiber in Supplementing Timber: Quantities, Techniques, Challenges, Opportunities,” presented at the Palm Byproducts: A Springboard to Circular Economy, online, 2021.
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6914
J. Fettig, M. Oldenburg, V. Pick, and K. Pilar von Pilchau, “Feststoffe und Feinpartikel in Straßenabflüssen – Erfassung und Charakterisierung,” KA Korrespondenz Abwasser Abfall, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 899–912, 2021.
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6926
M. Upmann and G. Weyland, “Was ist erlaubt, was verboten? 16. Lemgoer Lebensmittelrechtstagung Fleisch + Feinkost – 4. Teil,” Fleischwirtschaft, vol. 100, no. 12, pp. 52–57, 2021.
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6927
M. Upmann and G. Weyland, “Was ist erlaubt, was verboten? 16. Lemgoer Lebensmittelrechtstagung Fleisch + Feinkost – 3. Teil,” Fleischwirtschaft, vol. 100, no. 11, pp. 48–50, 2021.
2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6931 |

A. Bröring, M. Ehrlich, H. Trsek, and L. Wisniewski, “Secure usage of asset administration shells : an overview and analysis of best practises,” in Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021) : 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11.2021 : in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11.2021, virtuell, 2021. doi: 10.25673/39569.
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6932
M. Ehrlich et al., “Alignment of safety and security risk assessments for modular production systems,” Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik : e & i, vol. 138, no. 6, pp. 454–461, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00502-021-00927-9.
2021 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6934
J. Schneider, “Lebensmitteltechnologie in ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verflechtung,” in 50 Jahre Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, M. L. Hofmann, K. Lemme, J. Löffl, and J. Nautz, Eds. Baunach : Spurbuchverlag, 2021, pp. 101–115.