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315 Publikationen
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 5054
J. Fettig, V. Pick, H. Liebe, Particle separation from road runoff by a decentralised lamella system – laboratory tests and experiences in the field, Wat. Sci. Tech. 75 (2017) 2056–2063.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 5055
G. Meon, J. Fettig, N.V. Phuoc, Forschungskooperation mit Vietnam – das BMBF-Verbundvorhaben EWATEC-COAST, Hydrologie Und Wasserbewirtschaftung . 61 (2017) 368–369.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 5188
A. Iseke, K. Pull, Weibliche Nachwuchskräfte gewinnen? Mit Geschlechterstereotypen brechen!, PersonalQuarterly, Vol. 69 (4). (2017) 17–21.
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2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 5192
U. Pottgiesser, C. Kirch, Developing sound absorbers for health facilities : how to meet hygienic and acoustic requirements in one product, in: Design to Thrive: PLEA 2017 : Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference: 2-5 July, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland / Brotas, Luisa [Edit.]; et Al., 2017: pp. 4771–4778.
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2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 5196
C. Naumann, U. Höhmann, U. Pottgiesser, Development of an analysis tool to match home environmental interventions to the specific needs of people with dementia, in: Design to Thrive: PLEA 2017 : Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference: 2-5 July, 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland / Brotas, Luisa [Edit.]; et Al., 2017.
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2017 | Monographie | ELSA-ID: 5197 |

U. Knaack, U. Pottgiesser, efnMOBILE 2.0 : efficient envelopes, TU Delft Open, 2017.
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2017 | Monographie | ELSA-ID: 5199
U. Pottgiesser, E. Storgaard, I. Van der Schueren, P. Wauters, Mensen op de vlucht = People on the run, 2017.
2017 | Zeitschrift | ELSA-ID: 5362 |

O. Hall, M. Cardinali, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, eds., urbanLab Magazin - Fachzeitschrift für Stadt- & Quartiersplanung, 2017.
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2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 5396
S. Brandenburg, M. Minge, D.H. Cymek, L. Zeidler, Ethische Aspekte in der Forschung zu Mensch-Maschine-Systemen - Einblicke in die Arbeit einer Ethik-Kommission, Zeitschrift Forschung. Politik, Strategie, Management 10(3/4) (2017) 101–106.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 5397
S. Brandenburg, M. Minge, D.H. Cymek, Common Challenges in Ethical Practice when Testing Technology with Human Participants: Analyzing the Experiences of a Local Ethics Committee, I-Com, Journal of Interactive Media. 16(3) (2017) 267–273.
2017 | Masterarbeit | ELSA-ID: 11444
L. Pusch, On memory: Body, devices, material. Towards a new practice of MediaArchitecture, ProQuest, Buffalo, n.d.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 11560
S. Geßner, P. Neuhaus, J. Varghese, P. Bruland, A. Meidt, I. Soto-Rey, M. Storck, J. Doods, M. Dugas, The Portal of Medical Data Models: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?, Stud Health Technol Inform. 245 (2017) 858–862.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 11576
P. Bruland, J. Doods, M. Storck, M. Dugas, What Information Does Your EHR Contain? Automatic Generation of a Clinical Metadata Warehouse (CMDW) to Support Identification and Data Access Within Distributed Clinical Research Networks., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 245 (2017) 313–317.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 11585
S. Steinke, P. Bruland, C.S. Blome, N. Osada, M. Dugas, F. Fritz, M. Augustin, S. Ständer, Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex, British Journal of Dermatology. 176 (2017) 363–370.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 11590
P. Bruland, U. Kathöfer, M. Treder, N. Eter, M. Dugas, Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 245 (2017) 1254.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 11633
M. Biedermann, H.-P. Rohler, Metropole Ruhr - Landschaft gestalten mit Infrastruktur, in: J. Polívka, C. Reicher, C. Zöpel, RAG Stiftung (Eds.), Raumstrategien Ruhr 2035+: Konzepte zur Entwicklung der Agglomeration Ruhr, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund, 2017: pp. 139–165.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 11734
M.P. Pereira, S. Steinke, P. Bruland, H.F. Ständer, M. Dugas, M. Augustin, S. Ständer, Management of chronic pruritus: from the dermatological office to the specialized itch center: a review, Itch. 2 (2017) e6–e6.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 11743
M.P. Pereira, S. Steinke, C. Zeidler, C. Forner, C. Riepe, M. Augustin, S. Bobko, F. Dalgard, J. Elberling, S. Garcovich, U. Gieler, M. Gonçalo, J.A. Halvorsen, T.A. Leslie, M. Metz, A. Reich, E. Şavk, G. Schneider, E. Serra‐Baldrich, H.F. Ständer, M. Streit, J. Wallengren, K. Weller, A. Wollenberg, P. Bruland, I. Soto‐Rey, M. Storck, M. Dugas, E. Weisshaar, J.C. Szepietowski, F.J. Legat, S. Ständer, European academy of dermatology and venereology European prurigo project: expert consensus on the definition, classification and terminology of chronic prurigo, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 32 (2017) 1059–1065.
| PubMed | Europe PMC