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315 Publikationen
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4600
W. Ali Khan, L. Wisniewski, D. Lang, and J. Jasperneite, “Analysis of the Requirements for offering Industrie 4.0 applications as a Cloud Service ,” in 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2017), 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4601
M. Ehrlich, H. Trsek, D. Lang, L. Wisniewski, V. Wendt, and J. Jasperneite, “Security Concept for a Cloud-based Automation Service,” in Automation 2017, 2017, p. 1.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4602
C. Freudenmann et al., “Open and Secure: Amending the Security of the BSI Smart Metering Infrastructure to Smart Home Applications via the Smart Meter Gateway,” in Conference: Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science 2017, 2017, p. 12.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4603
A. Neumann, M. Ehrlich, L. Wisniewski, and J. Jasperneite, “Towards monitoring of hybrid industrial networks,” in 13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2017, 31.05.2017- 02.06.2017, (best WIP paper award), 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4604
M. Wollschläger, T. Sauter, and J. Jasperneite, “The Future of Industrial Communication,” in IEEE Industrial Electronics magazine, 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4789
A. Bunte, P. Li, and O. Niggemann, “Learned Abstraction: Knowledge Based Concept Learning for Cyber Physical Systems,” in 3rd Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0 (ML4CPS), 2017.
2017 | Bericht | ELSA-ID: 4906
H. Borcherding et al., Intelligente Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik für die energieeffiziente Intralogistik. Lemgo: TIB Hannover, 2017.
2017 | Bericht | ELSA-ID: 4907
H. Borcherding and B. Jerwan, Abschlussbericht zum Projekt MintEA, Miniaturisierung und Hochintegration von Elektronik in Energie- und Antriebstechnik. Lemgo: TIB Hannover, 2017.
2017 | Bericht | ELSA-ID: 4915
H. Borcherding, D. Steup, M. Therolf, and A. Tolksdorf, Schlussbericht zum Verbundprojekt itsowl-HERA : Hochintegrierter Elektronikmotor mit rotierender Antriebselektronik (itsowl-HERA). Lemgo: TIB Hannover, 2017.
2017 | Bericht | ELSA-ID: 4916
J. Wettlaufer, H. Borcherding, and T. Hohnsbein, InSeL - Inhärent Störungsarme Leistungselektronik : BMBF-Verbundprojekt : Abschlussbericht : Titel des Teilvorhabens: “Integration der störungsarmen Leistungselektronik in Industrieumrichter.” Lemgo: TIB Hannover, 2017.
2017 | Bericht | ELSA-ID: 4917
S. Bolte et al., Schlussbericht zum Verbundprojekt: Energieeffizienz in intelligenten technischen Systemen (itsowl-EE) : der Universität Paderborn, Hochschule OWL, Lemgo, Fraunhofer Lemgo, Universität Bielefeld. Lemgo: TIB Hannover, 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6294
C. Kuckuck and J. Song, “Kontaktierung von Litzenleitern,” in Tagungsband der VDE/VDI-GMM-Fachtagung „Symposium Connectors“, Lemgo, 2017, pp. 197–209.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6321
J. Song, H. Yuan, and V. Schinow, “Calculation Models for Prediction of Wear and Wear Through of Coatings of Electrical Contacts with a Sphere/Flat Configuration,” in Proceedings of VDE-Fachtagung Albert-Keil-Kontakt-Seminar 2017, 2017, pp. 54–62.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6330
J. Song, V. Schinow, and H. Yuan, “Third bodies in electrical contacts – Wear and electrical performance,” in Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Denver, USA, 2017, pp. 117–124.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6333
J. Song, S. Hansmann, C. Koch, and V. Schinow, “Mechanisch gehärtete Zinnoberfläche,” in Tagungsband der VDE/VDI-GMM-Fachtagung „Symposium Connectors“, Lemgo, 2017, pp. 91–99.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6337
J. Song, S. Hansmann, C. Koch, H. Yuan, and V. Schinow, “Enhanced wear resistance of mechanically modified tin plating,” in Proceedings of the 6th World Tribology Congress 2017, 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6338
H. Yuan, V. Schinow, and J. Song, “Simulation models for predicting the wear process of coated electrical contacts,” in Proceedings of the 6th World Tribology Congress 2017, 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6352
J. Song, “Models for Accelerated Testing of Network Components of Autonomous Cars and Smart Factories,” presented at the NSFC-DFG-Sino-German Symposium on Optimization and Control of Smart Cars in IoT, Shanghai, 2017.
2017 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 6475
J. Song, “Kunststofftechnik, Tribologie und elektrische Verbindungstechnik,” presented at the Kunststofftechnisches Fachkolloquium, Fürth, Universität Erlangen, 2017.
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | ELSA-ID: 6751 |

K. von Blanckenburg, “Auto-Kartell: Ein schmaler Grat,” Wirtschaftsdienst, vol. 97, no. 8, pp. 533–534, 2017.
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