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828 Publikationen
2015 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 7947 |

Stawinoga, Martin und Patrick Velte. 2015. CSR management and reporting between voluntary bonding and legal regulation. First empirical insights of the compliance to the German Sustainability Code. Problems and Perspectives in Management 13, Nr. 2: 36–50.
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2015 | Konferenz - Vortrag | ELSA-ID: 8609 |

Köhler, Martin. 2015. Das nationale Regelwerk für Pflasterdecken und Plattenbeläge in Deutschland / Technical Specifications and Regulations for Concrete Block Pavements and Slab Pavements in Germany. 11th International Conference on Concrete Block Pavements, September 9-11, 2015.
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2015 | Konferenz - Vortrag | ELSA-ID: 8610 |

Köhler, Martin. 2015. Entwicklung eines beleuchteten Leitsteins als Orientierungshilfe für Sehbehinderte / Development of an Illuminated Ground surface Indication for Vision-Impaired Pedestrians. 11th International Conference on Concrete Block Pavements, September 9-11, 2015.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 687 |

Büttner, Sebastian, Oliver Sand und Carsten Röcker. 2015. Extending the Design Space in Industrial Manufacturing Through Mobile Projection. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct, 1130–1133. MobileHCI ’15. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/2786567.2794342, .
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2015 | Dissertation | ELSA-ID: 6901 |

Beckmann, Nils. 2015. Atomistische Simulation tribologischer Elementarprozesse bei nanokristallinen Übergangsmetallen. doi:10.6094/UNIFR/10164, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Vortrag | ELSA-ID: 7713 |

Köhler, Martin. 2015. Entwicklungen im Technischen Regelwerk für Pflasterdecken und Plattenbeläge. 6. Detmolder Verkehrstag am 18.06.2015 zum Thema „Pflasterdecken und Plattenbeläge - Neuerungen bei Bauprodukten und im Technischen Regelwerk“. Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 585 |

Villmer, Franz-Josef und Lars Witte. 2015. Large Scale 3D-Printers: The Challenge of Outgrowing Do-It-Yourself. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 111–122. Lemgo.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 588 |

Huxol, Andrea, Adrian Riegel und Kerstin Dekomien. 2015. Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 99–110. Lemgo.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 597 |

Scheideler, Eva und Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe. 2015. Data Mining: A Potential Detector to Find Failure in Complex Components. In: Production engineering and management : proceedings, 5th international conference, October 1 and 2, 2015, Trieste, Italy, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, Department of Production Engineering and Management, und Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 163–174. Lemgo: Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 598 |

Huxol, Andrea und Franz-Josef Villmer. 2015. Hybrid Manufacturing Machines: Combining Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Technologies. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 207–218. Lemgo.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 599 |

Li, Li und L. Schulze. 2015. Improving the Productivity of a Man-to-Goods Order Picking System through Optimization of Order Batching. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 319–326. Lemgo.
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2015 | Blogbeitrag | ELSA-ID: 429 |

Könneker, Martin und Wilfried Jungkind. 2015. Das REFA-Standardprogramm Betriebsmittelmanagement. Dortmund: REFA AG.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 432 |

Riediger, Daniel, Sven Hinrichsen und Alexander Schlee. 2015. Ergonomic Design of Graphical Control Elements on Production Machines. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Franz-Josef Villmer, Elio Padoano, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 123–130. Lemgo: Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4329 |

Flatt, Holger, Nils Koch, Andrei Guenter, Carsten Röcker und Jürgen Jasperneite. 2015. A Context-Aware Assistance System for Maintenance Applications in Smart Factories based on Augmented Reality and Indoor Localization. In: 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). New York: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ETFA.2015.7301586, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4330 |

Paelke, Volker und Carsten Röcker. 2015. User Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Possible Approaches. . In: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse, 9186:75–85. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20886-2_8, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4331 |

Seetharama, Mythreya, Volker Paelke und Carsten Röcker. 2015. SafetyPIN: Secure PIN Entry through Eye Tracking. In: Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust, hg. von Theo Tryfonas und Ioannis Askoxylakis, 9190:426–435. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20376-8_38, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4332 |

Plewe, Daniela Alina, Rui An Ong und Carsten Röcker. 2015. Ambient and Aesthetic Intelligence For High-End Hospitality. In: HCI in Business , hg. von Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah und Chuan-Hoo Tan, 9191:739–747. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20895-4_69, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4333 |

Kaiying, Cindy Lin, Daniela Alina Plewe und Carsten Röcker. 2015. The Ambience of Ambient Intelligence: Will Cultural, Social and Environmental Differences Lead to Localised Ambient Systems? . In: 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015, hg. von Tareq Ahram, Waldemar Karwowski, und Dylan Schmorrow, 3:2155–2161. Procedia Manufacturing. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.355, .
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2015 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4334 |

Rui, Ang Sheng, Daniela Alina Plewe und Carsten Röcker. 2015. Themed Passenger Cabins in Rapid Transit Systems: Promoting Commuters’ Happiness through Ambient and Aesthetic Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 , 3:2103–2109. Procedia Manufacturing. Las Vegas, USA: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.348, .
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