{"date_updated":"2023-05-11T14:46:20Z","date_created":"2023-04-24T09:11:32Z","title":"Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"alternative_title":["WAHRNEHMUNG UND ANALYSE VON RÄUMEN – EIN INTERDISZIPLINÄRES LEHRMODUL IN DER UNIVERSITÄREN LANDSCHAFTSPLANUNGSAUSBILDUNG"],"place":"Berlin","citation":{"ama":"Leiner C, Stemmer B. Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. gisScience. 2011;(4):105-110.","din1505-2-1":"Leiner, Claas ; Stemmer, Boris: Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. In: gis.Science. Berlin, Wichmann (2011), Nr. 4, S. 105–110","van":"Leiner C, Stemmer B. Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. gisScience. 2011;(4):105–10.","chicago-de":"Leiner, Claas und Boris Stemmer. 2011. Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. gis.Science, Nr. 4: 105–110.","havard":"C. Leiner, B. Stemmer, Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis, Gis.Science. (2011) 105–110.","apa":"Leiner, C., & Stemmer, B. (2011). Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. Gis.Science, 4, 105–110.","bjps":"Leiner C and Stemmer B (2011) Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis. gis.Science 105–110.","ufg":"Leiner, Claas/Stemmer, Boris: Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis, in: gis.Science (2011), H. 4,  S. 105–110.","chicago":"Leiner, Claas, and Boris Stemmer. “Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis.” Gis.Science, no. 4 (2011): 105–10.","short":"C. Leiner, B. Stemmer, Gis.Science (2011) 105–110.","mla":"Leiner, Claas, and Boris Stemmer. “Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis.” Gis.Science, no. 4, 2011, pp. 105–10.","ieee":"C. Leiner and B. Stemmer, “Teaching Landscape Planning - Landscape Perception and Analysis,” gis.Science, no. 4, pp. 105–110, 2011."},"type":"scientific_journal_article","keyword":["Universitarian teaching","GIS","e-learning","bologna process"],"status":"public","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://gispoint.de/index.php?eID=dumpFile&t=f&f=13220&token=34e95e0810ebc46f00cd15f2b8ccdaa2d92d60f7&download=","open_access":"1"}],"publication_status":"published","year":"2011","_id":"9856","extern":"1","user_id":"15514","department":[{"_id":"DEP9013"}],"publisher":"Wichmann","page":"105–110","issue":"4","author":[{"full_name":"Leiner, Claas","last_name":"Leiner","first_name":"Claas"},{"id":"64889","full_name":"Stemmer, Boris","last_name":"Stemmer","first_name":"Boris"}],"publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2698-4571"],"issn":["1869-9391 "]},"publication":"gis.Science","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"According to the Bologna Accord in 2006 the study courses for architecture, urban planning and landscape planning at Kassel university were reformed to a bachelor and master education programme. New courses – so called “modules” were found. One of them “Wahrnehmung und Analyse von Räumen” – “landscape perception and analysis” – is an interdisciplinary course teaching and comparing three different perspectives – those of ecology, social science and landscape planning – on landscape. To manage a high number of students the e-learning platform “Moodle” is used. Also giving an introduction into GIS is a major part of the course. This article – after “landscape perception and analysis” started four years ago – gives an overview of the recent and future development of the course from a teachers perspective."},{"lang":"eng","text":"Im Zuge des Bolognaprozesses wurde 2006 der Studiengang Landschaftsplanung an der Universität Kassel auf das Bachelor- und Mastersystem umgestellt. Eines der neuen „Lehrmodule“ ist „Wahrnehmung und Analyse von Räumen“, das interdis-ziplinär angelegt ist, und den Studierenden eine Einführung in die Erfassung von Landschaften gibt. Drei unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf Landschaft – ökologisch, sozialwissenschaftlich und landschaftsplanerisch – werden gelehrt und gegenübergestellt. Um die große Zahl der Studierenden zu betreuen, wird die E-Learning-Plattform „Moodle“ eingesetzt. Auch die Heranführung an Geographische Informationssysteme ist ein wesentlicher Teil der Ausbildung. Dieser Beitrag stellt nach nun vier Jahren „Wahrnehmung und Analyse von Räumen“ die Entwicklung des Moduls dar, und zeigt die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus der Sicht der Lehrenden."}],"oa":"1"}