{"department":[{"_id":"DEP1000"},{"_id":"DEP1055"}],"publisher":"Elsevier BV","doi":"10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893","author":[{"first_name":"Marcel","last_name":"Cardinali","full_name":"Cardinali, Marcel","orcid":"0000-0002-8841-9345","id":"58462"},{"full_name":"Beenackers, Mariëlle A.","last_name":"Beenackers","first_name":"Mariëlle A."},{"last_name":"van Timmeren","first_name":"Arjan","full_name":"van Timmeren, Arjan"},{"orcid":"0000-0002-8594-3168","full_name":"Pottgiesser, Uta","id":"27166","first_name":"Uta","last_name":"Pottgiesser"}],"user_id":"83781","oa":"1","article_number":"115893","volume":228,"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0013-9351"]},"publication":"Environmental Research","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"The relationship between green spaces and health is attracting more and more societal and research interest. The research field is however still suffering from its differing monodisciplinary origins. Now in a multidisciplinary environment on its way to a truly interdisciplinary field, there is a need for a common understanding, precision in green space indicators, and coherent assessment of the complexity of daily living environments. In several reviews, common protocols and open-source scripts are considered a high priority to advance the field. Realizing these issues, we developed PRIGSHARE (Preferred Reporting Items in Greenspace Health Research). It is accompanied by an open-source script that supports non-spatial disciplines in assessing greenness and green space on different scales and types. The PRIGSHARE checklist contains 21 items that have been identified as a risk of bias and are necessary for understanding and comparison of studies. The checklist is divided into the following topics: objectives (3 items), scope (3 items), spatial assessment (7 items), vegetation assessment (4 items), and context assessment (4 items). For each item, we include a pathway-specific (if relevant) rationale and explanation. The PRIGSHARE guiding principles should be helpful to support a high-quality assessment and synchronize the studies in the field while acknowledging the diversity of study designs."}],"type":"journal_article","citation":{"chicago-de":"Cardinali, Marcel, Mariëlle A. Beenackers, Arjan van Timmeren und Uta Pottgiesser. 2023. Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field. Environmental Research 228. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893, .","van":"Cardinali M, Beenackers MA, van Timmeren A, Pottgiesser U. Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field. Environmental Research. 2023;228.","din1505-2-1":"Cardinali, Marcel ; Beenackers, Mariëlle A. ; van Timmeren, Arjan ; Pottgiesser, Uta: Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field. In: Environmental Research Bd. 228, Elsevier BV (2023)","ama":"Cardinali M, Beenackers MA, van Timmeren A, Pottgiesser U. Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field. Environmental Research. 2023;228. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893","ieee":"M. Cardinali, M. A. Beenackers, A. van Timmeren, and U. Pottgiesser, “Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field.,” Environmental Research, vol. 228, Art. no. 115893, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893.","mla":"Cardinali, Marcel, et al. “Preferred Reporting Items in Green Space Health Research. Guiding Principles for an Interdisciplinary Field.” Environmental Research, vol. 228, 115893, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893.","ufg":"Cardinali, Marcel u. a.: Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field., in: Environmental Research 228 (2023).","bjps":"Cardinali M et al. (2023) Preferred Reporting Items in Green Space Health Research. Guiding Principles for an Interdisciplinary Field. Environmental Research 228.","apa":"Cardinali, M., Beenackers, M. A., van Timmeren, A., & Pottgiesser, U. (2023). Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field. Environmental Research, 228, Article 115893. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893","short":"M. Cardinali, M.A. Beenackers, A. van Timmeren, U. Pottgiesser, Environmental Research 228 (2023).","chicago":"Cardinali, Marcel, Mariëlle A. Beenackers, Arjan van Timmeren, and Uta Pottgiesser. “Preferred Reporting Items in Green Space Health Research. Guiding Principles for an Interdisciplinary Field.” Environmental Research 228 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893.","havard":"M. Cardinali, M.A. Beenackers, A. van Timmeren, U. Pottgiesser, Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field., Environmental Research. 228 (2023)."},"keyword":["Greenspace","Well-being","Public health","Pollution","Behavior","Stress"],"status":"public","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.115893"}],"date_updated":"2024-06-04T14:27:13Z","date_created":"2023-04-19T15:36:38Z","title":"Preferred reporting items in green space health research. Guiding principles for an interdisciplinary field.","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 228","year":"2023","_id":"9749","publication_status":"published","quality_controlled":"1"}