„Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement
G. Cziehso, T. Schäfers, S. Brinkhoff, N. Nauß, „Just Try It on!” - Using Location-Based Bluetooth Technology to Reveal the Effects of Fitting Room Visits on Purchases and in-Store Movement, n.d.
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2022 European Marketing Academy Conference
2022-05-24 – 2022-05-27
Cziehso G, Schäfers T, Brinkhoff S, Nauß N. „Just Try It on!” - Using Location-Based Bluetooth Technology to Reveal the Effects of Fitting Room Visits on Purchases and in-Store Movement.
Cziehso, G., Schäfers, T., Brinkhoff, S., & Nauß, N. (n.d.). „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement. 2022 European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest.
Cziehso G et al. (n.d.) „Just Try It on!” - Using Location-Based Bluetooth Technology to Reveal the Effects of Fitting Room Visits on Purchases and in-Store Movement. .
Cziehso, Gerrit, Tobias Schäfers, Stefan Brinkhoff, and Nina Nauß. „Just Try It on!” - Using Location-Based Bluetooth Technology to Reveal the Effects of Fitting Room Visits on Purchases and in-Store Movement, n.d.
Cziehso, Gerrit, Tobias Schäfers, Stefan Brinkhoff und Nina Nauß. „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement.
Cziehso, Gerrit ; Schäfers, Tobias ; Brinkhoff, Stefan ; Nauß, Nina: „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement
G. Cziehso, T. Schäfers, S. Brinkhoff, N. Nauß, „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement, n.d.
G. Cziehso, T. Schäfers, S. Brinkhoff, and N. Nauß, „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement.
Cziehso, Gerrit, et al. „Just Try It on!” - Using Location-Based Bluetooth Technology to Reveal the Effects of Fitting Room Visits on Purchases and in-Store Movement.
Cziehso, Gerrit u. a.: „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement, o. O. u. J. .
Cziehso G, Schäfers T, Brinkhoff S, Nauß N. „Just try it on!” - Using location-based bluetooth technology to reveal the effects of fitting room visits on purchases and in-store movement.