Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability

U. Pottgiesser, Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability, Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , Bonn, 2022.

Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Alternativer Titel
Kulturerbe als Schlüsselressource für Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit
Resource efficiency was the central theme of Prof. Dr. Uta Pottgiesser’s key-note address. In other words, efficiency with regard to the sustainable usage of buildings, but also of land and materials. At the same time, the ambitious goal of “not demolishing, but rather converting,” the demand for a “new culture of car-ing and repairing,” has a central impact on the professional requirements in ar-chitecture and planning–and thus also on the content of teaching and training. In this context, it becomes clear that cultur-al heritage can serve as a model in many respects; by the same token, it must per-haps open itself up even further in terms of content with a view to the age of mod-ernism.
Titel Konferenzband
Industrielles Welterbe - Chance und Verantwortung : internationale Konferenz vom 14. bis 15. Oktober 2021 auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial world heritage - opportunity and responsibility : international conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine
International Conference "Industrial World Heritage. Opportunity and Responsibility"
2021-10-14 – 2021-10-15


Pottgiesser U. Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. (Kolhoff C, ed.). Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. ; 2022:35-39.
Pottgiesser, U. (2022). Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. In C. Kolhoff (Ed.), Industrielles Welterbe - Chance und Verantwortung : internationale Konferenz vom 14. bis 15. Oktober 2021 auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial world heritage - opportunity and responsibility : international conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine (pp. 35–39). Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. .
Pottgiesser U (2022) Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability, Kolhoff C (ed.). Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. .
Pottgiesser, Uta. Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. Edited by Carolin Kolhoff. Industrielles Welterbe - Chance Und Verantwortung : Internationale Konferenz Vom 14. Bis 15. Oktober 2021 Auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial World Heritage - Opportunity and Responsibility : International Conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine. Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , 2022.
Pottgiesser, Uta. 2022. Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. Hg. von Carolin Kolhoff. Industrielles Welterbe - Chance und Verantwortung : internationale Konferenz vom 14. bis 15. Oktober 2021 auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial world heritage - opportunity and responsibility : international conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine. Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. .
Pottgiesser, Uta ; Kolhoff, C. (Hrsg.): Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. Bonn : Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , 2022
U. Pottgiesser, Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability, Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , Bonn, 2022.
U. Pottgiesser, Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , 2022, pp. 35–39.
Pottgiesser, Uta. “Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability.” Industrielles Welterbe - Chance Und Verantwortung : Internationale Konferenz Vom 14. Bis 15. Oktober 2021 Auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial World Heritage - Opportunity and Responsibility : International Conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine, edited by Carolin Kolhoff, Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. , 2022, pp. 35–39.
Pottgiesser, Uta: Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability, hg. von Kolhoff, Carolin, Bonn 2022.
Pottgiesser U. Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Resilience and Sustainability. Kolhoff C, editor. Industrielles Welterbe - Chance und Verantwortung : internationale Konferenz vom 14. bis 15. Oktober 2021 auf Zeche Zollverein = Industrial world heritage - opportunity and responsibility : international conference on 14th and 15th October 2021 at Zollverein Coal Mine. Bonn: Deutsche UNESCO-Komission e. V. ; 2022.
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