{"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure","date_created":"2022-04-29T16:10:11Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:50:12Z","status":"public","citation":{"chicago-de":"Nothdurft, Sarah, André Springer, Stefan Kaierle, Hendrik Ohrdes, Jens Twiefel, Jörg Wallaschek, Maximilian Mildebrath, Hans Jürgen Maier, Thomas Hassel und Ludger Overmeyer. 2018. Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure. Journal of Laser Applications 30, Nr. 3. doi:10.2351/1.5040607, .","van":"Nothdurft S, Springer A, Kaierle S, Ohrdes H, Twiefel J, Wallaschek J, et al. Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure. Journal of Laser Applications. 2018;30(3).","ama":"Nothdurft S, Springer A, Kaierle S, et al. Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure. Journal of Laser Applications. 2018;30(3). doi:10.2351/1.5040607","din1505-2-1":"Nothdurft, Sarah ; Springer, André ; Kaierle, Stefan ; Ohrdes, Hendrik ; Twiefel, Jens ; Wallaschek, Jörg ; Mildebrath, Maximilian ; Maier, Hans Jürgen ; u. a.: Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure. In: Journal of Laser Applications Bd. 30, Laser Institute of America (LIA) (2018), Nr. 3","ieee":"S. Nothdurft et al., “Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure,” Journal of Laser Applications, vol. 30, no. 3, 2018.","mla":"Nothdurft, Sarah, et al. “Laser Welding of Dissimilar Low-Alloyed Steel-Steel Butt Joints and the Effects of Beam Position and Ultrasound Excitation on the Microstructure.” Journal of Laser Applications, vol. 30, no. 3, 032417, Laser Institute of America (LIA), 2018, doi:10.2351/1.5040607.","chicago":"Nothdurft, Sarah, André Springer, Stefan Kaierle, Hendrik Ohrdes, Jens Twiefel, Jörg Wallaschek, Maximilian Mildebrath, Hans Jürgen Maier, Thomas Hassel, and Ludger Overmeyer. “Laser Welding of Dissimilar Low-Alloyed Steel-Steel Butt Joints and the Effects of Beam Position and Ultrasound Excitation on the Microstructure.” Journal of Laser Applications 30, no. 3 (2018). https://doi.org/10.2351/1.5040607.","short":"S. Nothdurft, A. Springer, S. Kaierle, H. Ohrdes, J. Twiefel, J. Wallaschek, M. Mildebrath, H.J. Maier, T. Hassel, L. Overmeyer, Journal of Laser Applications 30 (2018).","bjps":"Nothdurft S et al. (2018) Laser Welding of Dissimilar Low-Alloyed Steel-Steel Butt Joints and the Effects of Beam Position and Ultrasound Excitation on the Microstructure. Journal of Laser Applications 30.","ufg":"Nothdurft, Sarah et. al. (2018): Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure, in: Journal of Laser Applications 30 (3).","apa":"Nothdurft, S., Springer, A., Kaierle, S., Ohrdes, H., Twiefel, J., Wallaschek, J., … Overmeyer, L. (2018). Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure. Journal of Laser Applications, 30(3). https://doi.org/10.2351/1.5040607","havard":"S. Nothdurft, A. Springer, S. Kaierle, H. Ohrdes, J. Twiefel, J. Wallaschek, M. Mildebrath, H.J. Maier, T. Hassel, L. Overmeyer, Laser welding of dissimilar low-alloyed steel-steel butt joints and the effects of beam position and ultrasound excitation on the microstructure, Journal of Laser Applications. 30 (2018)."},"type":"industry_journal_article","quality_controlled":"1","publication_status":"published","_id":"7848","year":2018,"intvolume":" 30","user_id":"79260","extern":"1","issue":"3","author":[{"first_name":"Sarah","last_name":"Nothdurft","full_name":"Nothdurft, Sarah"},{"id":"71733","full_name":"Springer, André","last_name":"Springer","first_name":"André"},{"full_name":"Kaierle, Stefan","last_name":"Kaierle","first_name":"Stefan"},{"last_name":"Ohrdes","first_name":"Hendrik","full_name":"Ohrdes, Hendrik"},{"first_name":"Jens","last_name":"Twiefel","full_name":"Twiefel, Jens"},{"full_name":"Wallaschek, Jörg","first_name":"Jörg","last_name":"Wallaschek"},{"first_name":"Maximilian","last_name":"Mildebrath","full_name":"Mildebrath, Maximilian"},{"full_name":"Maier, Hans Jürgen","first_name":"Hans Jürgen","last_name":"Maier"},{"full_name":"Hassel, Thomas","last_name":"Hassel","first_name":"Thomas"},{"last_name":"Overmeyer","first_name":"Ludger","full_name":"Overmeyer, Ludger"}],"doi":"10.2351/1.5040607","publisher":"Laser Institute of America (LIA)","department":[{"_id":"DEP7037"}],"publication":"Journal of Laser Applications","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1042-346X","1938-1387"]},"volume":30,"article_number":"032417"}