How to Design Assembly Instructions

S. Hinrichsen, D. Bläsing, How to Design Assembly Instructions, AHFE Open Access, 2022.

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Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Employees in mixed-model assembly perform much informational work by constantly making decisions about the part to be assembled, the tool to be used or the working method to be applied. The proportion of informational work in manual assembly is likely to increase, since more and more products are configured according to customer demands and additional functions are integrated. Whereas assembly has so far been understood primarily as energetic work, the informational aspects of assembly work will have to be considered to a greater extent in the future. Assembly system design is thus more and more a domain of cognitive ergonomics, whereas in the past the focus was on biomechanical aspects. Taking this into consideration, the design of assembly instructions in line with individual requirements is becoming increasingly important. This article therefore discusses important design principles of such instructions.
Titel Konferenzband
Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications
7th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications
2022-04-21 – 2022-04-23


Hinrichsen S, Bläsing D. How to Design Assembly Instructions. Vol 23. (Ahram T, Taiar R, eds.). AHFE Open Access; 2022. doi:10.54941/ahfe100838
Hinrichsen, S., & Bläsing, D. (2022). How to Design Assembly Instructions. In T. Ahram & R. Taiar (Eds.), Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (Vol. 23). AHFE Open Access.
Hinrichsen S and Bläsing D (2022) How to Design Assembly Instructions, Ahram T and Taiar R (eds). AHFE Open Access.
Hinrichsen, Sven, and Dominic Bläsing. How to Design Assembly Instructions. Edited by Tareq Ahram and Redha Taiar. Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications . Vol. 23. AHFE International. AHFE Open Access, 2022.
Hinrichsen, Sven und Dominic Bläsing. 2022. How to Design Assembly Instructions. Hg. von Tareq Ahram und Redha Taiar. Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications . Bd. 23. AHFE International. AHFE Open Access. doi:10.54941/ahfe100838, .
Hinrichsen, Sven ; Bläsing, Dominic ; Ahram, T. ; Taiar, R. (Hrsg.): How to Design Assembly Instructions, AHFE International. Bd. 23 : AHFE Open Access, 2022
S. Hinrichsen, D. Bläsing, How to Design Assembly Instructions, AHFE Open Access, 2022.
S. Hinrichsen and D. Bläsing, How to Design Assembly Instructions, vol. 23. AHFE Open Access, 2022. doi: 10.54941/ahfe100838.
Hinrichsen, Sven, and Dominic Bläsing. “How to Design Assembly Instructions.” Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications , edited by Tareq Ahram and Redha Taiar, vol. 23, AHFE Open Access, 2022,
Hinrichsen, Sven/Bläsing, Dominic: How to Design Assembly Instructions, Bd. 23, hg. von Ahram, Tareq/Taiar, Redha, o. O. 2022 (AHFE International).
Hinrichsen S, Bläsing D. How to Design Assembly Instructions. Ahram T, Taiar R, editors. Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications . AHFE Open Access; 2022. (AHFE International; vol. 23).
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