{"publication":"Motivation and Emotion ","quality_controlled":"1","volume":44,"_id":"7687","year":2020,"intvolume":" 44","user_id":"77747","date_created":"2022-04-19T20:47:10Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:50:11Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership","doi":"10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7","page":"641–656","citation":{"mla":"Steinmann, Barbara, et al. “Promoting the Underestimated: A Vignette Study on the Importance of the Need for Affiliation to Successful Leadership.” Motivation and Emotion , vol. 44, Springer, 2020, pp. 641–656, doi:10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7.","chicago-de":"Steinmann, Barbara, Anne Kleinert und Günter W. Maier. 2020. Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership. Motivation and Emotion 44: 641–656. doi:10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7, .","ieee":"B. Steinmann, A. Kleinert, and G. W. Maier, “Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership,” Motivation and Emotion , vol. 44, pp. 641–656, 2020.","ama":"Steinmann B, Kleinert A, Maier GW. Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership. Motivation and Emotion . 2020;44:641–656. doi:10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7","din1505-2-1":"Steinmann, Barbara ; Kleinert, Anne ; Maier, Günter W.: Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership. In: Motivation and Emotion Bd. 44, Springer (2020), S. 641–656","havard":"B. Steinmann, A. Kleinert, G.W. Maier, Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership, Motivation and Emotion . 44 (2020) 641–656.","chicago":"Steinmann, Barbara, Anne Kleinert, and Günter W. Maier. “Promoting the Underestimated: A Vignette Study on the Importance of the Need for Affiliation to Successful Leadership.” Motivation and Emotion 44 (2020): 641–656. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7.","short":"B. Steinmann, A. Kleinert, G.W. Maier, Motivation and Emotion 44 (2020) 641–656.","van":"Steinmann B, Kleinert A, Maier GW. Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership. Motivation and Emotion . 2020;44:641–656.","apa":"Steinmann, B., Kleinert, A., & Maier, G. W. (2020). Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership. Motivation and Emotion , 44, 641–656. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-020-09833-7","ufg":"Steinmann, Barbara et. al. (2020): Promoting the underestimated: A vignette study on the importance of the need for affiliation to successful leadership, in: Motivation and Emotion 44, S. 641–656.","bjps":"Steinmann B, Kleinert A and Maier GW (2020) Promoting the Underestimated: A Vignette Study on the Importance of the Need for Affiliation to Successful Leadership. Motivation and Emotion 44, 641–656."},"type":"scientific_journal_article","publisher":"Springer","department":[{"_id":"DEP1517"}],"status":"public","author":[{"id":"77747","full_name":"Steinmann, Barbara","last_name":"Steinmann","first_name":"Barbara"},{"first_name":"Anne","last_name":"Kleinert","full_name":"Kleinert, Anne"},{"last_name":"Maier","first_name":"Günter W.","full_name":"Maier, Günter W."}]}