{"intvolume":" 133","_id":"7573","year":2018,"publication_status":"published","quality_controlled":"1","place":"Bielefeld","citation":{"chicago-de":"Schmohl, Tobias und Bettina Jansen-Schulz. 2018. Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In: Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , hg. von Bettina Jansen-Schulz und Till Tantau, 133:91–98. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. Bielefeld: wbv. doi:10.3278/6004662w-1, .","van":"Schmohl T, Jansen-Schulz B. Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In: Jansen-Schulz B, Tantau T, editors. Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements . Bielefeld: wbv; 2018. p. 91–8. (Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik; vol. 133).","din1505-2-1":"Schmohl, Tobias ; Jansen-Schulz, Bettina: Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In: Jansen-Schulz, B. ; Tantau, T. (Hrsg.): Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. Bd. 133. Bielefeld : wbv, 2018, S. 91–98","ama":"Schmohl T, Jansen-Schulz B. Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In: Jansen-Schulz B, Tantau T, eds. Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements . Vol 133. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. Bielefeld: wbv; 2018:91-98. doi:10.3278/6004662w-1","ieee":"T. Schmohl and B. Jansen-Schulz, “Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg,” in Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , vol. 133, B. Jansen-Schulz and T. Tantau, Eds. Bielefeld: wbv, 2018, pp. 91–98.","mla":"Schmohl, Tobias, and Bettina Jansen-Schulz. “Joining Institutional Policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher Educational Context and Implementation Strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg.” Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , edited by Bettina Jansen-Schulz and Till Tantau, vol. 133, wbv, 2018, pp. 91–98, doi:10.3278/6004662w-1.","short":"T. Schmohl, B. Jansen-Schulz, in: B. Jansen-Schulz, T. Tantau (Eds.), Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , wbv, Bielefeld, 2018, pp. 91–98.","chicago":"Schmohl, Tobias, and Bettina Jansen-Schulz. “Joining Institutional Policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher Educational Context and Implementation Strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg.” In Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , edited by Bettina Jansen-Schulz and Till Tantau, 133:91–98. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. Bielefeld: wbv, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3278/6004662w-1.","ufg":"Schmohl, Tobias/Jansen-Schulz, Bettina (2018): Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg, in: Bettina Jansen-Schulz/Till Tantau (Hgg.): Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements (=Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik 133), Bielefeld, S. 91–98.","bjps":"Schmohl T and Jansen-Schulz B (2018) Joining Institutional Policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher Educational Context and Implementation Strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In Jansen-Schulz B and Tantau T (eds), Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , vol. 133. Bielefeld: wbv, pp. 91–98.","apa":"Schmohl, T., & Jansen-Schulz, B. (2018). Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg. In B. Jansen-Schulz & T. Tantau (Eds.), Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements (Vol. 133, pp. 91–98). Bielefeld: wbv. https://doi.org/10.3278/6004662w-1","havard":"T. Schmohl, B. Jansen-Schulz, Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg, in: B. Jansen-Schulz, T. Tantau (Eds.), Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements , wbv, Bielefeld, 2018: pp. 91–98."},"type":"book_chapter","status":"public","date_created":"2022-04-14T10:54:12Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:50:10Z","editor":[{"full_name":"Jansen-Schulz, Bettina","first_name":"Bettina","last_name":"Jansen-Schulz"},{"last_name":"Tantau","first_name":"Till","full_name":"Tantau, Till"}],"title":"Joining institutional policy with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Higher educational context and implementation strategies at the University of Lübeck and the University of Hamburg","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"series_title":"Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik","volume":133,"publication_identifier":{"eisbn":["978-3-7639-5993-8"],"isbn":["978-3-7639-5991-4"]},"publication":"Excellent Teaching : Principles, Structures and Requirements ","department":[{"_id":"DEP2000"},{"_id":"DEP1200"}],"doi":"10.3278/6004662w-1","page":"91-98","publisher":"wbv","author":[{"last_name":"Schmohl","first_name":"Tobias","id":"71782","full_name":"Schmohl, Tobias","orcid":"https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7043-5582"},{"first_name":"Bettina","last_name":"Jansen-Schulz","full_name":"Jansen-Schulz, Bettina"}],"user_id":"79260"}