Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions

D. Hilmert, K. Krüger, H. Yuan, J. Song, Wear of Electrical Contacts of Equal Motion Amplitude and Equal Force in Different Directions, TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern , 2022.

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Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Titel Konferenzband
23rd International Colloquium Tribology - industrial and automotive lubrication : conference proceedings 2022
313 – 315


Hilmert D, Krüger K, Yuan H, Song J. Wear of Electrical Contacts of Equal Motion Amplitude and Equal Force in Different Directions. Vol 23/1. (Topolovec-Miklozic K, ed.). TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen; 2022:313-315.
Hilmert, D., Krüger, K., Yuan, H., & Song, J. (2022). Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions. In K. Topolovec-Miklozic (Ed.), 23rd International Colloquium Tribology - industrial and automotive lubrication : conference proceedings 2022 (Vol. 23/1, pp. 313–315). TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
Hilmert D et al. (2022) Wear of Electrical Contacts of Equal Motion Amplitude and Equal Force in Different Directions, Topolovec-Miklozic K (ed.). Ostfildern : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
Hilmert, Dirk, Kevin Krüger, Haomiao Yuan, and Jian Song. Wear of Electrical Contacts of Equal Motion Amplitude and Equal Force in Different Directions. Edited by Ksenija Topolovec-Miklozic. 23rd International Colloquium Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication : Conference Proceedings 2022. Vol. 23/1. International Colloquium Tribology. Ostfildern : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 2022.
Hilmert, Dirk, Kevin Krüger, Haomiao Yuan und Jian Song. 2022. Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions. Hg. von Ksenija Topolovec-Miklozic. 23rd International Colloquium Tribology - industrial and automotive lubrication : conference proceedings 2022. Bd. 23/1. International Colloquium Tribology. Ostfildern : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen.
Hilmert, Dirk ; Krüger, Kevin ; Yuan, Haomiao ; Song, Jian ; Topolovec-Miklozic, K. (Hrsg.): Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions, International Colloquium Tribology. Bd. 23/1. Ostfildern  : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 2022
D. Hilmert, K. Krüger, H. Yuan, J. Song, Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions, TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern , 2022.
D. Hilmert, K. Krüger, H. Yuan, and J. Song, Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions, vol. 23/1. Ostfildern : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 2022, pp. 313–315.
Hilmert, Dirk, et al. “Wear of Electrical Contacts of Equal Motion Amplitude and Equal Force in Different Directions.” 23rd International Colloquium Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication : Conference Proceedings 2022, edited by Ksenija Topolovec-Miklozic, vol. 23/1, TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 2022, pp. 313–15.
Hilmert, Dirk u. a.: Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions, Bd. 23/1, hg. von Topolovec-Miklozic, Ksenija, Ostfildern 2022 (International Colloquium Tribology).
Hilmert D, Krüger K, Yuan H, Song J. Wear of electrical contacts of equal motion amplitude and equal force in different directions. Topolovec-Miklozic K, editor. 23rd International Colloquium Tribology - industrial and automotive lubrication : conference proceedings 2022. Ostfildern : TAE, Technische Akademie Esslingen; 2022. (International Colloquium Tribology; vol. 23/1).

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