Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations

J. Tiggesbäumker, L. Köller, H. O. Lutz, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, in: R. Schmidt, W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (Eds.), Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, Springer, Heidelberg, 1992, pp. 245–253.

Sammelwerk - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Körperschaftlicher Herausgeber
Positive and negative silver cluster ions are produced by sputtering of solid silver by 25 keV Xe+ bombaxdment. After mass selection, collinear ion beam depletion is used to measure absolute photofragmentation cross-sections in the photon energy range from ħω = 2.0 to 5.7 eV. Giant resonances are found which can be interpreted in terms of a collective electron oscillation. For spherical clusters (e.g., Ag19−, Ag21+) single resonances dominate the spectra, whereas deformation (e.g., Ag9−, Ag11+) induces a splitting into two components.
Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics
88th W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar
Bad Honnef
1991-11-26 – 1991-11-29


Tiggesbäumker J, Köller L, O. Lutz H, Meiwes-Broer K-H. Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In: Schmidt R, W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, eds. Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics. Vol 404. Lecture notes in physics . Heidelberg: Springer; 1992:245-253. doi:
Tiggesbäumker, J., Köller, L., O. Lutz, H., & Meiwes-Broer, K.-H. (1992). Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In R. Schmidt & W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (Eds.), Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics (Vol. 404, pp. 245–253). Heidelberg: Springer.
Tiggesbäumker J et al. (1992) Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In Schmidt R and W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (eds), Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, vol. 404. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 245–253.
Tiggesbäumker, J., Lars Köller, H. O. Lutz, and Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer. “Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations.” In Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, edited by Rüdiger Schmidt and W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, 404:245–53. Lecture Notes in Physics . Heidelberg: Springer, 1992.
Tiggesbäumker, J., Lars Köller, H. O. Lutz und Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer. 1992. Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In: Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, hg. von Rüdiger Schmidt und W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, 404:245–253. Lecture notes in physics . Heidelberg: Springer. doi:, .
Tiggesbäumker, J. ; Köller, Lars ; O. Lutz, H. ; Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz: Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In: Schmidt, R. ; W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (Hrsg.): Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, Lecture notes in physics . Bd. 404. Heidelberg : Springer, 1992, S. 245–253
J. Tiggesbäumker, L. Köller, H. O. Lutz, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations, in: R. Schmidt, W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (Eds.), Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, Springer, Heidelberg, 1992: pp. 245–253.
J. Tiggesbäumker, L. Köller, H. O. Lutz, and K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, “Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations,” in Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, vol. 404, R. Schmidt and W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, Eds. Heidelberg: Springer, 1992, pp. 245–253.
Tiggesbäumker, J., et al. “Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations.” Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics, edited by Rüdiger Schmidt and W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, vol. 404, Springer, 1992, pp. 245–53, doi:
Tiggesbäumker, J. et. al. (1992): Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations, in: Rüdiger Schmidt/W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar (Hgg.): Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics (=Lecture notes in physics 404), Heidelberg, S. 245–253.
Tiggesbäumker J, Köller L, O. Lutz H, Meiwes-Broer K-H. Collective Excitation in Silver Cluster Anions and Kations. In: Schmidt R, W.-E.-Heraeus-Seminar, editors. Nuclear Concepts in Atomic Cluster Physics. Heidelberg: Springer; 1992. p. 245–53. (Lecture notes in physics ; vol. 404).
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