Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception

A. Huxol, A. Riegel, K. Dekomien, in: E. Padoano, F.-J. Villmer, Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, 2015, pp. 99–110.

Konferenz - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Körperschaftlicher Herausgeber
Department of Production Engineering and Management; Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
While common measurement techniques like gloss or color measurement are widely used in industry for quality assessment of furniture high gloss surfaces, they indicate only a weak correlation to the quality perceived by the customer. Topography based approaches achieve higher correlation to human perception but are often based on linear measurement which cannot be applied for an overall assessment of larger surfaces. Thus an algorithm was developed to calculate a specific value based on topographic features, such as orange peel, within the research project ‘Development of a comprehensive quality concept for furniture high gloss surfaces’, funded by the federal Ministry of Education and Research. For the evaluation of short waved structures on furniture high gloss surfaces the ratio of hill height to hill area was chosen. This parameter proves to be applicable for an evaluation of the extent of a single.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Production Engineering and Management
Proceedings5th International Conference
Trieste, Italy
2015-10-01 – 2015-10-02


Huxol A, Riegel A, Dekomien K. Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In: Padoano E, Villmer F-J, Department of Production Engineering and Management, eds. Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo; 2015:99-110.
Huxol, A., Riegel, A., & Dekomien, K. (2015). Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In E. Padoano, F.-J. Villmer, & Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management (pp. 99–110). Lemgo.
Huxol A, Riegel A and Dekomien K (2015) Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In Padoano E, Villmer F-J and Department of Production Engineering and Management (eds), Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo, pp. 99–110.
Huxol, Andrea, Adrian Riegel, and Kerstin Dekomien. “Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception.” In Production Engineering and Management, edited by Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, and Department of Production Engineering and Management, 99–110. Lemgo, 2015.
Huxol, Andrea, Adrian Riegel und Kerstin Dekomien. 2015. Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Elio Padoano, Franz-Josef Villmer, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 99–110. Lemgo.
Huxol, Andrea ; Riegel, Adrian ; Dekomien, Kerstin: Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In: Padoano, E. ; Villmer, F.-J. ; Department of Production Engineering and Management (Hrsg.): Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo, 2015, S. 99–110
A. Huxol, A. Riegel, K. Dekomien, Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception, in: E. Padoano, F.-J. Villmer, Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, 2015: pp. 99–110.
A. Huxol, A. Riegel, and K. Dekomien, “Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception,” in Production Engineering and Management, Trieste, Italy, 2015, no. 1, pp. 99–110.
Huxol, Andrea, et al. “Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception.” Production Engineering and Management, edited by Elio Padoano et al., no. 1, 2015, pp. 99–110.
Huxol, Andrea et. al. (2015): Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception, in: Elio Padoano et. al. (Hgg.): Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, S. 99–110.
Huxol A, Riegel A, Dekomien K. Development of an Algorithm for Measuring the Quality of High Gloss Surfaces Correlated to Human Perception. In: Padoano E, Villmer F-J, Department of Production Engineering and Management, editors. Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo; 2015. p. 99–110.
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