Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly

M. Minge, J. Bürglen, D.H. Cymek, (2014) 304–309.

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HCI International 2014 – Communications in Computer and Information Science


Minge M, Bürglen J, Cymek DH. Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. Stephanidis C, ed. 2014:304-309.
Minge, M., Bürglen, J., & Cymek, D. H. (2014). Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. (C. Stephanidis, Ed.). Presented at the HCI International 2014 – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Berlin: Springer International Publishing.
Minge M, Bürglen J and Cymek DH (2014) Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly Stephanidis C (ed.). 304–309.
Minge, Michael, Juliane Bürglen, and Dietlind Helene Cymek. “ Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly.” Edited by Constantine Stephanidis. Posters‘ Extended Abstracts. Part II. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Minge, Michael, Juliane Bürglen und Dietlind Helene Cymek. 2014. Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. Hg. von Constantine Stephanidis. Posters‘ Extended Abstracts. Part II. Berlin: Springer International Publishing.
Minge, Michael ; Bürglen, Juliane ; Cymek, Dietlind Helene: Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. In: Stephanidis, C. (Hrsg.) , Posters‘ Extended Abstracts. Part II. Berlin, Springer International Publishing (2014)
M. Minge, J. Bürglen, D.H. Cymek, Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly, (2014) 304–309.
M. Minge, J. Bürglen, and D. H. Cymek, “ Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly.” Springer International Publishing, Berlin, pp. 304–309, 2014.
Minge, Michael, et al. Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. Edited by Constantine Stephanidis, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 304–09.
Minge, Michael et. al. (2014): Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly (=Posters‘ Extended Abstracts. Part II), Berlin.
Minge M, Bürglen J, Cymek DH. Exploring the Potential of Gameful Interaction Design of ICT for the Elderly. Stephanidis C, editor. Berlin: Springer International Publishing; 2014. p. 304–9. (Posters‘ Extended Abstracts. Part II).


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