{"conference":{"name":"Proceedings of the International Conference on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, (TAR 2017)"},"quality_controlled":"1","series_title":"Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1)","_id":"5679","year":2017,"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:50:01Z","date_created":"2021-04-21T19:28:08Z","user_id":"15514","title":" User-Centered Design of a Patient's Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"ieee":"E. Ivanova, M. Minge, H. Schmidt, M. Thüring, and J. Krüger, “ User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke.” pp. 39–43, 2017.","mla":"Ivanova, Ekaterina, et al. User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-Based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. 2017, pp. 39–43.","bjps":"Ivanova E et al. (2017) User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-Based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. 39–43.","apa":"Ivanova, E., Minge, M., Schmidt, H., Thüring, M., & Krüger, J. (2017). User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. Presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, (TAR 2017).","ufg":"Ivanova, Ekaterina et. al. (2017): User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke (=Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1)).","chicago":"Ivanova, Ekaterina, Michael Minge, Henning Schmidt, Manfred Thüring, and Jörg Krüger. “ User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-Based Telerehabilitation after Stroke.” Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1), 2017.","short":"E. Ivanova, M. Minge, H. Schmidt, M. Thüring, J. Krüger, (2017) 39–43.","havard":"E. Ivanova, M. Minge, H. Schmidt, M. Thüring, J. Krüger, User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke, (2017) 39–43.","chicago-de":"Ivanova, Ekaterina, Michael Minge, Henning Schmidt, Manfred Thüring und Jörg Krüger. 2017. User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1).","van":"Ivanova E, Minge M, Schmidt H, Thüring M, Krüger J. User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. 2017. p. 39–43. (Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1)).","din1505-2-1":"Ivanova, Ekaterina ; Minge, Michael ; Schmidt, Henning ; Thüring, Manfred ; Krüger, Jörg: User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. In: , Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 3(1). (2017)","ama":"Ivanova E, Minge M, Schmidt H, Thüring M, Krüger J. User-Centered Design of a Patient’s Work Station for Haptic Robot-based Telerehabilitation after Stroke. 2017:39-43."},"type":"conference","page":"39-43","author":[{"full_name":"Ivanova, Ekaterina","first_name":"Ekaterina","last_name":"Ivanova"},{"last_name":"Minge","first_name":"Michael","id":"78302","orcid":"0000-0003-1930-7064","full_name":"Minge, Michael"},{"last_name":"Schmidt","first_name":"Henning","full_name":"Schmidt, Henning"},{"first_name":"Manfred","last_name":"Thüring","full_name":"Thüring, Manfred"},{"last_name":"Krüger","first_name":"Jörg","full_name":"Krüger, Jörg"}],"status":"public"}