Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r

A.A. Tabassam, H. Trsek, S. Heiss, J. Jasperneite, in: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009.

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2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks


Tabassam AA, Trsek H, Heiss S, Jasperneite J. Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r. In: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks. ; 2009. doi:10.1109/lcn.2009.5355069
Tabassam, A. A., Trsek, H., Heiss, S., & Jasperneite, J. (2009). Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r. In 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks.
Tabassam AA et al. (2009) Fast and Seamless Handover for Secure Mobile Industrial Applications with 802.11r. 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks.
Tabassam, Ahmad Ali, Henning Trsek, Stefan Heiss, and Jurgen Jasperneite. “Fast and Seamless Handover for Secure Mobile Industrial Applications with 802.11r.” In 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009.
Tabassam, Ahmad Ali, Henning Trsek, Stefan Heiss und Jurgen Jasperneite. 2009. Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r. In: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks. doi:10.1109/lcn.2009.5355069, .
Tabassam, Ahmad Ali ; Trsek, Henning ; Heiss, Stefan ; Jasperneite, Jurgen: Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r. In: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009
A.A. Tabassam, H. Trsek, S. Heiss, J. Jasperneite, Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r, in: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009.
A. A. Tabassam, H. Trsek, S. Heiss, and J. Jasperneite, “Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r,” in 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009.
Tabassam, Ahmad Ali, et al. “Fast and Seamless Handover for Secure Mobile Industrial Applications with 802.11r.” 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009, doi:10.1109/lcn.2009.5355069.
Tabassam, Ahmad Ali et. al. (2009): Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r, in: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks.
Tabassam AA, Trsek H, Heiss S, Jasperneite J. Fast and seamless handover for secure mobile industrial applications with 802.11r. In: 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks. 2009.


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