{"status":"public","issue":" 13 ","author":[{"full_name":"Tomolow, Jos","last_name":"Tomolow","first_name":"Jos"},{"first_name":"Alex","last_name":"Dill","full_name":"Dill, Alex"},{"id":"27166","orcid":"0000-0002-8594-3168","full_name":"Pottgiesser, Uta","last_name":"Pottgiesser","first_name":"Uta"}],"page":" 88 Seiten ","type":"conference","publisher":" Graphische Werkstätten Zittau ","citation":{"chicago":"Tomolow, Jos, Alex Dill, and Uta Pottgiesser. “ Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975. Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung ‘Das Architektonische Erbe’ .” Preservation Technology Dossier . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014.","short":"J. Tomolow, A. Dill, U. Pottgiesser, (2014) 88 Seiten.","ufg":"Tomolow, Jos et. al. (2014): Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ (= Preservation technology dossier ), Zittau .","bjps":"Tomolow J, Dill A and Pottgiesser U (2014) Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975. Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung ‘Das Architektonische Erbe’ . 88 Seiten.","apa":"Tomolow, J., Dill, A., & Pottgiesser, U. (2014). Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau .","van":"Tomolow J, Dill A, Pottgiesser U. Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau ; 2014. p. 88 Seiten. ( Preservation technology dossier ).","ama":"Tomolow J, Dill A, Pottgiesser U. Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” . 2014;(13):88 Seiten.","din1505-2-1":"Tomolow, Jos ; Dill, Alex ; Pottgiesser, Uta: Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ . In: , Preservation technology dossier . Zittau , Graphische Werkstätten Zittau (2014), Nr. 13","havard":"J. Tomolow, A. Dill, U. Pottgiesser, Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” , (2014) 88 Seiten.","ieee":"J. Tomolow, A. Dill, and U. Pottgiesser, “ Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung ‘Das architektonische Erbe’ ,” no. 13. Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , Zittau , p. 88 Seiten, 2014.","mla":"Tomolow, Jos, et al. Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975. Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das Architektonische Erbe” . no. 13, Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014, p. 88 Seiten.","chicago-de":"Tomolow, Jos, Alex Dill und Uta Pottgiesser. 2014. Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ . Preservation technology dossier . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau ."},"place":" Zittau ","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":" Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975. proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung \"Das architektonische Erbe\" ","user_id":"15514","date_created":"2021-03-04T15:13:16Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:58Z","_id":"5226","year":2014,"series_title":" Preservation technology dossier ","publication_identifier":{"isbn":[" 978-3-929744-89-7 "]}}