Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung "Das architektonische Erbe" / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement

J. Tomlow, A. Dill, U. Pottgiesser, International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, eds., Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975 : Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das Architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , Zittau , 2014.

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Konferenzband | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar; International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement
88 Seiten
13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar
2013-01-25 – 2013-01-26


Tomlow J, Dill A, Pottgiesser U, International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, eds. Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975 : Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das Architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau ; 2014:88 Seiten.
Tomlow, J., Dill, A., Pottgiesser, U., & International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar (Eds.). (2014). Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (p. 88 Seiten). Presented at the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau .
Tomlow J et al. (eds) (2014) Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975 : Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung ‘Das Architektonische Erbe’ / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau .
Tomlow, Jos, Alex Dill, Uta Pottgiesser, and International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, eds. Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975 : Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das Architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Preservation Technology Dossier . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014.
Tomlow, Jos, Alex Dill, Uta Pottgiesser und International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, Hrsg. 2014. Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Preservation technology dossier . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau .
Tomlow, J. ; Dill, A. ; Pottgiesser, U. ; International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar (Hrsg.): Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , Preservation technology dossier . Zittau  : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014
J. Tomlow, A. Dill, U. Pottgiesser, International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, eds., Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , Zittau , 2014.
J. Tomlow, A. Dill, U. Pottgiesser, and International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, Eds., Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement , no. 13. Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014, p. 88 Seiten.
Tomlow, Jos, et al., editors. Perceived Technologies in the Modern Movement 1918-1975 : Proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, January 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the Seminar Figures Also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das Architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . no. 13, Graphische Werkstätten Zittau , 2014, p. 88 Seiten.
Tomlow, Jos et. al. (Hgg.) (2014): Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung „Das architektonische Erbe“ / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (= Preservation technology dossier ), Zittau .
Tomlow J, Dill A, Pottgiesser U, International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, editors. Perceived technologies in the modern movement 1918-1975 : proceedings of the 13th International DOCOMOMO Technology Seminar, january 25/26 2013, Karlsruhe . the seminar figures also as the 10. Karlsruher Tagung “Das architektonische Erbe” / International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement . Zittau : Graphische Werkstätten Zittau ; 2014. ( Preservation technology dossier ).


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