Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India

R. Doleschal, U. Pottgiesser, K.B. Akhilesh, C. Kabre, K. König, in: R. Rawal (Ed.), Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts, CEPT University Press, Ahmedabad, 2014.

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Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts
30th International PLEA Conference
Ahmedabad, India
2014-12-16 – 2014-12-18


Doleschal R, Pottgiesser U, Akhilesh KB, Kabre C, König K. Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India. In: Rawal R, ed. Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press; 2014.
Doleschal, R., Pottgiesser, U., Akhilesh, K. B., Kabre, C., & König, K. (2014). Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India. In R. Rawal (Ed.), Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press.
Doleschal R et al. (2014) Integrating User Awareness and Behavior into Building and Product Design for India : Survey in Eight Giant Cities in India. In Rawal R (ed.), Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press.
Doleschal, Reinhard, Uta Pottgiesser, K. B. Akhilesh, Chitrarekha Kabre, and Katharina König. “Integrating User Awareness and Behavior into Building and Product Design for India : Survey in Eight Giant Cities in India.” In Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts, edited by Rajan Rawal. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press, 2014.
Doleschal, Reinhard, Uta Pottgiesser, K. B. Akhilesh, Chitrarekha Kabre und Katharina König. 2014. Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India. In: Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts, hg. von Rajan Rawal. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press.
Doleschal, Reinhard ; Pottgiesser, Uta ; Akhilesh, K. B. ; Kabre, Chitrarekha ; König, Katharina: Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India. In: Rawal, R. (Hrsg.): Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts. Ahmedabad : CEPT University Press, 2014
R. Doleschal, U. Pottgiesser, K.B. Akhilesh, C. Kabre, K. König, Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India, in: R. Rawal (Ed.), Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts, CEPT University Press, Ahmedabad, 2014.
R. Doleschal, U. Pottgiesser, K. B. Akhilesh, C. Kabre, and K. König, “Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India,” in Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts, Ahmedabad, India , 2014.
Doleschal, Reinhard, et al. “Integrating User Awareness and Behavior into Building and Product Design for India : Survey in Eight Giant Cities in India.” Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies : Choosing the Way Forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : Book of Abstracts, edited by Rajan Rawal, CEPT University Press, 2014.
Doleschal, Reinhard et. al. (2014): Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India, in: Rajan Rawal (Hg.): Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts, Ahmedabad.
Doleschal R, Pottgiesser U, Akhilesh KB, Kabre C, König K. Integrating user awareness and behavior into building and product design for India : survey in eight giant cities in India. In: Rawal R, editor. Sustainable habitat for developing societies : choosing the way forward : 30th International PLEA Conference, December 16-18, 2014 : book of abstracts. Ahmedabad: CEPT University Press; 2014.


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