RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments

H. Trsek, J. Jasperneite, S. Heiss, Lemgoer Schriftenreihe Zur Industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology 6 (2011).

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Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology


Trsek H, Jasperneite J, Heiss S. RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments. Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology . 2011;6.
Trsek, H., Jasperneite, J., & Heiss, S. (2011). RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments. Lemgoer Schriftenreihe Zur Industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology , 6.
Trsek H, Jasperneite J and Heiss S (2011) RAvE - Real-Time Automation Networks in Moving Industrial Environments. Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology 6.
Trsek, Henning, Jürgen Jasperneite, and Stefan Heiss. “RAvE - Real-Time Automation Networks in Moving Industrial Environments.” Lemgoer Schriftenreihe Zur Industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology 6 (2011).
Trsek, Henning, Jürgen Jasperneite und Stefan Heiss. 2011. RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments. Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology 6.
Trsek, Henning ; Jasperneite, Jürgen ; Heiss, Stefan: RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments. In: Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology Bd. 6. Lemgo, inIT (2011)
H. Trsek, J. Jasperneite, S. Heiss, RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments, Lemgoer Schriftenreihe Zur Industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology . 6 (2011).
H. Trsek, J. Jasperneite, and S. Heiss, “RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments,” Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology , vol. 6, 2011.
Trsek, Henning, et al. “RAvE - Real-Time Automation Networks in Moving Industrial Environments.” Lemgoer Schriftenreihe Zur Industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology , vol. 6, inIT, 2011.
Trsek, Henning et. al. (2011): RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments, in: Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology 6.
Trsek H, Jasperneite J, Heiss S. RAvE - Real-time automation networks in moving industrial environments. Lemgoer Schriftenreihe zur industriellen Informationstechnik = Lemgo series on industrial information technology . 2011;6.


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