eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging

M. Ziefle, C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, L. Klack, E.-M. Jakobs, T. Schmitz-Rohde, P. Russell, J. Borchers, in: M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, N. Streitz, T. Mirlacher (Eds.), Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 2009, p. 2528.

Konferenz - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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The paper describes the program ‘eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging’, an interdisciplinary research project at RWTH Aachen University. The program started in January 2009 as part of the Human Technology Centre, a newly established project house, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. The program aims at designing adaptive immersive interfaces for personal healthcare systems and develops novel, integrative prototypes for the design of user-centered healthcare systems. This includes new concepts of electronic monitoring systems within ambient living environments, suited to support persons individually (according to user profiles), adaptively (according to the course of disease) and sensitively (according to living conditions).
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI'09)
3rd European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI09),
Salzburg, Austria
2009-11-18 – 2009-11-21


Ziefle M, Röcker C, Kasugai K, et al. eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In: Tscheligi M, de Ruyter B, Soldatos J, et al., eds. Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09). Salzburg: University of Salzburg; 2009:2528.
Ziefle, M., Röcker, C., Kasugai, K., Klack, L., Jakobs, E.-M., Schmitz-Rohde, T., … Borchers, J. (2009). eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, … T. Mirlacher (Eds.), Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09) (p. 2528). Salzburg: University of Salzburg.
Ziefle M et al. (2009) EHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In Tscheligi M et al. (eds), Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09). Salzburg: University of Salzburg, p. 2528.
Ziefle, Martina, Carsten Röcker, Kai Kasugai, Lars Klack, Eva-Maria Jakobs, Thomas Schmitz-Rohde, Peter Russell, and Jan Borchers. “EHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging.” In Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), edited by M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, N. Streitz, and T. Mirlacher, 2528. Salzburg: University of Salzburg, 2009.
Ziefle, Martina, Carsten Röcker, Kai Kasugai, Lars Klack, Eva-Maria Jakobs, Thomas Schmitz-Rohde, Peter Russell und Jan Borchers. 2009. eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In: Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), hg. von M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, N. Streitz, und T. Mirlacher, 2528. Salzburg: University of Salzburg.
Ziefle, Martina ; Röcker, Carsten ; Kasugai, Kai ; Klack, Lars ; Jakobs, Eva-Maria ; Schmitz-Rohde, Thomas ; Russell, Peter ; Borchers, Jan: eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In: Tscheligi, M. ; de Ruyter, B. ; Soldatos, J. ; Meschtscherjakov, A. ; Buiza, C. ; Reitberger, W. ; Streitz, N. ; Mirlacher, T. (Hrsg.): Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09). Salzburg : University of Salzburg, 2009, S. 2528
M. Ziefle, C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, L. Klack, E.-M. Jakobs, T. Schmitz-Rohde, P. Russell, J. Borchers, eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging, in: M. Tscheligi, B. de Ruyter, J. Soldatos, A. Meschtscherjakov, C. Buiza, W. Reitberger, N. Streitz, T. Mirlacher (Eds.), Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 2009: p. 2528.
M. Ziefle et al., “eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging,” in Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), Salzburg, Austria, 2009, p. 2528.
Ziefle, Martina, et al. “EHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging.” Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), edited by M. Tscheligi et al., University of Salzburg, 2009, p. 2528.
Ziefle, Martina et. al. (2009): eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging, in: M. Tscheligi et. al. (Hgg.): Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09), Salzburg, S. 2528.
Ziefle M, Röcker C, Kasugai K, Klack L, Jakobs E-M, Schmitz-Rohde T, et al. eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging. In: Tscheligi M, de Ruyter B, Soldatos J, Meschtscherjakov A, Buiza C, Reitberger W, et al., editors. Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’09). Salzburg: University of Salzburg; 2009. p. 2528.
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