Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing – A Perfect Symbiosis?

Konferenz - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Körperschaftlicher Herausgeber
Department of Production Engineering and Management OWL University of Applied Sciences, Lemgo (Germany); Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Additive Manufacturing (AM) increasingly enables the realization of structures, which have a much greater freedom of design und can therefore better use nature as a design ideal. Bionic design principles have already been introduced into general design approaches, and several topology optimization systems (TO) are available today to increase structural stiffness and to enable lightweight design. AM and TO, used in synergy, promise completely new application areas. However, staircase effects resulting from a layer-by-layer build process and unavoidable support structures which must be mechanically removed afterwards are disadvantageous with respect to surface texture and strength properties. The present article addresses the question of how far the notches resulting from the staircase effect of Additive Manufacturing and the support structures removed decrease the strength of components. Most engineers try to follow the inner flow of forces in a part’s design by smoothening surfaces in notched areas. Considering this, a elected component is investigated with finite element analysis (FEA) with special regard for the concentration of tress arising from surface notch effects. An outlook is given as regards how a reduction of the notch effect from the taircase effect can be achieved effectively.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Production Engineering and Management Proceedings 6th International Conference
Proceedings 6th International Conference
2016-09-29 – 2016-09-30
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