Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces
C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, in: R. Wichert, K. Van Laerhoven, J. Gelissen (Eds.), Constructing Ambient Intelligence , Springer, Berlin, 2012, pp. 12–18.
Sammelwerk - Beitrag
| Veröffentlicht
| Englisch
Röcker, CarstenELSA;
Kasugai, Kai
Wichert, Reiner;
Van Laerhoven, Kristof;
Gelissen, Jean
Research in the field of smart home environments is still very much technology driven. While technical aspects like system reliability, performance or data security are undeniable important design factors, potential end users desire more than pure technical functionality favoring systems with high social and hedonic value. So far, the integration of digital information layers into the architectural environment and their consequences for human perception are still largely unexplored. In this paper we present three examples of interactive architecture for increased quality of life in domestic spaces: myGreenSpace, meetingMyEating and ubiGUI.
Constructing Ambient Intelligence
AmI 2011 Workshops
Amsterdam, Netherlands
2011-11-16 – 2011-11-18
Röcker C, Kasugai K. Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In: Wichert R, Van Laerhoven K, Gelissen J, eds. Constructing Ambient Intelligence . Vol 277. Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume . Berlin: Springer; 2012:12-18. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31479-7_3
Röcker, C., & Kasugai, K. (2012). Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In R. Wichert, K. Van Laerhoven, & J. Gelissen (Eds.), Constructing Ambient Intelligence (Vol. 277, pp. 12–18). Berlin: Springer.
Röcker C and Kasugai K (2012) Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In Wichert R, Van Laerhoven K and Gelissen J (eds), Constructing Ambient Intelligence , vol. 277. Berlin: Springer, pp. 12–18.
Röcker, Carsten, and Kai Kasugai. “Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces.” In Constructing Ambient Intelligence , edited by Reiner Wichert, Kristof Van Laerhoven, and Jean Gelissen, 277:12–18. Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume . Berlin: Springer, 2012.
Röcker, Carsten und Kai Kasugai. 2012. Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In: Constructing Ambient Intelligence , hg. von Reiner Wichert, Kristof Van Laerhoven, und Jean Gelissen, 277:12–18. Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume . Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31479-7_3, .
Röcker, Carsten ; Kasugai, Kai: Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In: Wichert, R. ; Van Laerhoven, K. ; Gelissen, J. (Hrsg.): Constructing Ambient Intelligence , Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume . Bd. 277. Berlin : Springer, 2012, S. 12–18
C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces, in: R. Wichert, K. Van Laerhoven, J. Gelissen (Eds.), Constructing Ambient Intelligence , Springer, Berlin, 2012: pp. 12–18.
C. Röcker and K. Kasugai, “Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces,” in Constructing Ambient Intelligence , vol. 277, R. Wichert, K. Van Laerhoven, and J. Gelissen, Eds. Berlin: Springer, 2012, pp. 12–18.
Röcker, Carsten, and Kai Kasugai. “Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces.” Constructing Ambient Intelligence , edited by Reiner Wichert et al., vol. 277, Springer, 2012, pp. 12–18, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31479-7_3.
Röcker, Carsten/Kasugai, Kai (2012): Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces, in: Reiner Wichert et. al. (Hgg.): Constructing Ambient Intelligence (=Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 277), Berlin, S. 12–18.
Röcker C, Kasugai K. Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces. In: Wichert R, Van Laerhoven K, Gelissen J, editors. Constructing Ambient Intelligence . Berlin: Springer; 2012. p. 12–8. (Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume ; vol. 277).
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