{"department":[{"_id":"DEP5023"}],"publisher":"Springer","doi":"10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41","page":"445-446","author":[{"full_name":"Röcker, Carsten","id":"61525","first_name":"Carsten","last_name":"Röcker"},{"full_name":"Kasugai, Kai","first_name":"Kai","last_name":"Kasugai"},{"first_name":"Daniela","last_name":"Plewe","full_name":"Plewe, Daniela"},{"full_name":"Kiriyama, Takashi","first_name":"Takashi","last_name":"Kiriyama"},{"last_name":"Lugmayr","first_name":"Artur","full_name":"Lugmayr, Artur"}],"extern":"1","user_id":"15514","series_title":"Lecture Notes in Computer Science","oa":"1","volume":763,"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-3-642-34897-6"],"eisbn":["978-3-642-34898-3"]},"publication":"Ambient Intelligence","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"This paper illustrates the rationale behind the second international workshop on Aesthetic Intelligence. The workshop addresses the multiple facets of aesthetics in the design process of Ambient Intelligence technologies, especially in the fields of architecture, industrial and interface design as well as human-computer interaction."}],"place":"Berlin","citation":{"havard":"C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, D. Plewe, T. Kiriyama, A. Lugmayr, Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence, in: F. Paternò, B. de Ruyter, P. Markopoulos, C. Santoro (Eds.), Ambient Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, 2012: pp. 445–446.","bjps":"Röcker C et al. (2012) Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In Paternò F et al. (eds), Ambient Intelligence, vol. 763. Berlin: Springer, pp. 445–446.","apa":"Röcker, C., Kasugai, K., Plewe, D., Kiriyama, T., & Lugmayr, A. (2012). Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In F. Paternò, B. de Ruyter, P. Markopoulos, & C. Santoro (Eds.), Ambient Intelligence (Vol. 763, pp. 445–446). Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41","ufg":"Röcker, Carsten et. al. (2012): Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence, in: Fabio Paternò et. al. (Hgg.): Ambient Intelligence (=Lecture Notes in Computer Science 763), Berlin, S. 445–446.","short":"C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, D. Plewe, T. Kiriyama, A. Lugmayr, in: F. Paternò, B. de Ruyter, P. Markopoulos, C. Santoro (Eds.), Ambient Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, 2012, pp. 445–446.","chicago":"Röcker, Carsten, Kai Kasugai, Daniela Plewe, Takashi Kiriyama, and Artur Lugmayr. “Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence.” In Ambient Intelligence, edited by Fabio Paternò, Boris de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulos, and Carmen Santoro, 763:445–46. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41.","mla":"Röcker, Carsten, et al. “Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence.” Ambient Intelligence, edited by Fabio Paternò et al., vol. 763, Springer, 2012, pp. 445–46, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41.","ieee":"C. Röcker, K. Kasugai, D. Plewe, T. Kiriyama, and A. Lugmayr, “Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence,” in Ambient Intelligence, Pisa, Italy, 2012, vol. 763, pp. 445–446.","din1505-2-1":"Röcker, Carsten ; Kasugai, Kai ; Plewe, Daniela ; Kiriyama, Takashi ; Lugmayr, Artur: Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In: Paternò, F. ; de Ruyter, B. ; Markopoulos, P. ; Santoro, C. (Hrsg.): Ambient Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Bd. 763. Berlin : Springer, 2012, S. 445–446","ama":"Röcker C, Kasugai K, Plewe D, Kiriyama T, Lugmayr A. Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In: Paternò F, de Ruyter B, Markopoulos P, Santoro C, eds. Ambient Intelligence. Vol 763. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer; 2012:445-446. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41","van":"Röcker C, Kasugai K, Plewe D, Kiriyama T, Lugmayr A. Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In: Paternò F, de Ruyter B, Markopoulos P, Santoro C, editors. Ambient Intelligence. Berlin: Springer; 2012. p. 445–6. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 763).","chicago-de":"Röcker, Carsten, Kai Kasugai, Daniela Plewe, Takashi Kiriyama und Artur Lugmayr. 2012. Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence. In: Ambient Intelligence, hg. von Fabio Paternò, Boris de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulos, und Carmen Santoro, 763:445–446. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34898-3_41, ."},"type":"conference","keyword":["Ambient Intelligence","Ubiquitous Computing","Smart Spaces","Aesthetics","Design","Architecture","Urban Informatics"],"status":"public","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1"}],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:52Z","date_created":"2021-01-15T14:01:09Z","title":"Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence","editor":[{"last_name":"Paternò","first_name":"Fabio ","full_name":"Paternò, Fabio "},{"first_name":"Boris ","last_name":"de Ruyter","full_name":"de Ruyter, Boris "},{"first_name":"Panos ","last_name":"Markopoulos","full_name":"Markopoulos, Panos "},{"full_name":"Santoro, Carmen ","last_name":"Santoro","first_name":"Carmen "}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 763","_id":"4385","year":2012,"conference":{"end_date":"2012-11-15","start_date":"2012-11-13","location":"Pisa, Italy","name":"3rd International Joint Conference, AmI 2012"},"publication_status":"published"}