{"oa":"1","publication":"Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016","related_material":{"link":[{"relation":"original","url":"https://www.th-owl.de/init/uploads/tx_initdb/HCII40_2016_paper_3__7___002_.pdf"}]},"abstract":[{"text":"Human-centered design methods are nowadays widely used in the design of consumer products. These methods aim at designing products with a high usability and a positive user experience (UX). However, in the domain of the design of industrial machines, design is often driven by functional requirements mostly neglecting the usability and user experience of products. Together with a medium-sized manufacturer of industrial laundry machines we applied the human-centered design process in an industrial context. In this field report, we describe the human-centered design methods applied in the project, the adaptations we had to make in the process and the challenges and opportunities for applying human-centered design in an industrial environment in general. ","lang":"eng"}],"publisher":"TU","corporate_editor":["Fraunhofer IGD "],"department":[{"_id":"DEP5023"}],"author":[{"id":"61868","full_name":"Büttner, Sebastian","last_name":"Büttner","first_name":"Sebastian"},{"first_name":"Carsten","last_name":"Röcker","full_name":"Röcker, Carsten","id":"61525"}],"user_id":"15514","_id":"4300","year":2016,"conference":{"end_date":"2016-10-19","start_date":"201610-18","location":"Graz, Austria","name":"Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop"},"publication_status":"published","type":"conference","citation":{"mla":"Büttner, Sebastian, and Carsten Röcker. “Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report.” Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, edited by Fraunhofer IGD , TU, 2016.","ieee":"S. Büttner and C. Röcker, “Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report,” in Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, Graz, Austria, 2016.","havard":"S. Büttner, C. Röcker, Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report, in: Fraunhofer IGD (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, TU, Graz, Österreich, 2016.","chicago":"Büttner, Sebastian, and Carsten Röcker. “Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report.” In Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, edited by Fraunhofer IGD . Graz, Österreich: TU, 2016.","short":"S. Büttner, C. Röcker, in: Fraunhofer IGD (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, TU, Graz, Österreich, 2016.","bjps":"Büttner S and Röcker C (2016) Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In Fraunhofer IGD (ed.), Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016. Graz, Österreich: TU.","ufg":"Büttner, Sebastian/Röcker, Carsten (2016): Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report, in: Fraunhofer IGD (Hg.): Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, Graz, Österreich.","apa":"Büttner, S., & Röcker, C. (2016). Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In Fraunhofer IGD (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016. Graz, Österreich: TU.","chicago-de":"Büttner, Sebastian und Carsten Röcker. 2016. Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In: Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016, hg. von Fraunhofer IGD . Graz, Österreich: TU.","din1505-2-1":"Büttner, Sebastian ; Röcker, Carsten: Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In: Fraunhofer IGD (Hrsg.): Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016. Graz, Österreich : TU, 2016","ama":"Büttner S, Röcker C. Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In: Fraunhofer IGD , ed. Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 4.0. Workshop at i-KNOW 2016. Graz, Österreich: TU; 2016.","van":"Büttner S, Röcker C. Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report. In: Fraunhofer IGD , editor. Human-Computer Interaction – Perspectives on Industry 40 Workshop at i-KNOW 2016. Graz, Österreich: TU; 2016."},"place":"Graz, Österreich","status":"public","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1"}],"keyword":["Design Methods","Human-Centered Design","Industrial Human-Computer Interaction","Industry 4.0"],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:51Z","date_created":"2020-12-22T14:11:03Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Applying Human-Centered Design Methods in Industry – a Field Report"}