Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems
M. Griese, T. Pawlik, T. Schulte, J. Maas, in: IEEE, 2016, pp. 186–191.
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For investigating combined grid systems including electrical, thermal and chemical grids, a scientific approach based on Hardware-in-the-loop simulation is carried out where models as virtual energy components are coupled with experimental facilities. In this contribution, a bidirectional fuel cell system is described in detail as a virtual energy component considering the bidirectional fuel cell, the power inverter and the local management. For modelling the bidirectional cell, the electrochemical domain is considered by a physical-based approach in a first step. Common models for unidirectional fuel cells or electrolysis cells are discussed regarding the applicability for bidirectional cells. Afterwards, the DC-DC converter as part of the overall power inverter is considered for modelling. A novel averaged model for the dual active bridge based on the method by Sanders and Verghese is presented. Finally, the overall model and local management of such systems are discussed.
186 - 191
10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG)
Bydgoszcz, Poland
2016-06-29 – 2016-07-01
Griese M, Pawlik T, Schulte T, Maas J. Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems. In: IEEE; 2016:186-191.
Griese, M., Pawlik, T., Schulte, T., & Maas, J. (2016). Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems (pp. 186–191). Presented at the 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Bydgoszcz, Poland : IEEE.
Griese M et al. (2016) Electrodynamical Modelling of Bidirectional Fuel Cell Systems for HIL Simulations of Combined Grid Systems. IEEE, pp. 186–191.
Griese, Martin, Thomas Pawlik, Thomas Schulte, and Jürgen Maas. “Electrodynamical Modelling of Bidirectional Fuel Cell Systems for HIL Simulations of Combined Grid Systems,” 186–91. IEEE, 2016.
Griese, Martin, Thomas Pawlik, Thomas Schulte und Jürgen Maas. 2016. Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems. In: , 186–191. IEEE.
Griese, Martin ; Pawlik, Thomas ; Schulte, Thomas ; Maas, Jürgen: Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems. In: : IEEE, 2016, S. 186–191
M. Griese, T. Pawlik, T. Schulte, J. Maas, Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems, in: IEEE, 2016: pp. 186–191.
M. Griese, T. Pawlik, T. Schulte, and J. Maas, “Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems,” presented at the 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG), Bydgoszcz, Poland , 2016, pp. 186–191.
Griese, Martin, et al. Electrodynamical Modelling of Bidirectional Fuel Cell Systems for HIL Simulations of Combined Grid Systems. IEEE, 2016, pp. 186–91.
Griese, Martin et. al. (2016): Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems, in: , S. 186–191.
Griese M, Pawlik T, Schulte T, Maas J. Electrodynamical modelling of bidirectional fuel cell systems for HIL simulations of combined grid systems. In IEEE; 2016. p. 186–91.