{"publication":"Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0043-1648"]},"volume":2014,"user_id":"74004","publisher":"Elsevier Science","page":"70 - 78","department":[{"_id":"DEP6012"}],"issue":"321","author":[{"last_name":"Ren","first_name":"Wanbin","full_name":"Ren, Wanbin"},{"full_name":"Du, Yingwei","last_name":"Du","first_name":"Yingwei"},{"full_name":"Cui, Li","last_name":"Cui","first_name":"Li"},{"last_name":"Wang","first_name":"Peng","full_name":"Wang, Peng"},{"last_name":"Song","first_name":"Jian","id":"5297","full_name":"Song, Jian"}],"publication_status":"published","year":2014,"_id":"3662","intvolume":" 2014","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:48Z","date_created":"2020-10-08T10:35:13Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations","type":"journal_article","citation":{"chicago-de":"Ren, Wanbin, Yingwei Du, Li Cui, Peng Wang und Jian Song. 2014. Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations. Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 2014, Nr. 321: 70–78.","ama":"Ren W, Du Y, Cui L, Wang P, Song J. Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations. Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear. 2014;2014(321):70-78.","din1505-2-1":"Ren, Wanbin ; Du, Yingwei ; Cui, Li ; Wang, Peng ; Song, Jian: Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations. In: Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear Bd. 2014. Amsterdam u.a., Elsevier Science (2014), Nr. 321, S. 70–78","van":"Ren W, Du Y, Cui L, Wang P, Song J. Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations. Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear. 2014;2014(321):70–8.","mla":"Ren, Wanbin, et al. “Research on Fretting Regimes of Gold-Plated Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material under Different Vibration Amplitude and Frequency Combinations.” Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, vol. 2014, no. 321, Elsevier Science, 2014, pp. 70–78.","ieee":"W. Ren, Y. Du, L. Cui, P. Wang, and J. Song, “Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations,” Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, vol. 2014, no. 321, pp. 70–78, 2014.","havard":"W. Ren, Y. Du, L. Cui, P. Wang, J. Song, Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations, Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear. 2014 (2014) 70–78.","ufg":"Ren, Wanbin et. al. (2014): Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations, in: Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 2014 (321), S. 70–78.","apa":"Ren, W., Du, Y., Cui, L., Wang, P., & Song, J. (2014). Research on fretting Regimes of gold-plated copper alloy electrical contact material under different vibration amplitude and frequency combinations. Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, 2014(321), 70–78.","bjps":"Ren W et al. (2014) Research on Fretting Regimes of Gold-Plated Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material under Different Vibration Amplitude and Frequency Combinations. Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 2014, 70–78.","short":"W. Ren, Y. Du, L. Cui, P. Wang, J. Song, Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 2014 (2014) 70–78.","chicago":"Ren, Wanbin, Yingwei Du, Li Cui, Peng Wang, and Jian Song. “Research on Fretting Regimes of Gold-Plated Copper Alloy Electrical Contact Material under Different Vibration Amplitude and Frequency Combinations.” Wear - An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear 2014, no. 321 (2014): 70–78."},"place":"Amsterdam u.a.","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0043164814003147"}],"status":"public"}