100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today?
U. Pottgiesser, F. Jaschke, M. Melenhorst, 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today?, Lemgo, 2020.
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| Englisch
In 2019 DOCOMOMO Germany and the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture at Ostwestfalen-Lippe, University of Applied Sciences (TH OWL)
with the Erasmus+-Project ‘Reuse of Modernist Buildings‘ (RMB) organized the 16th DOCOMOMO Germany and 3rd RMB Conference. The international conference
in Berlin took place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus and as an opportunity to discuss the significance of modernity in the 21st century.
The conference focus lies on the concepts, visions, and impulses emanating from Modern Movement and how they can be related to today’s social, economic, cultural
and in particular creative issues.
This second Docomomo publication includes a selection of eleven papers that were not included in the original online conference proceedings (http://www.rmb-eu.
com/publications/). The papers witness in a particular way the dominating themes and typologies of Modern Movement. They also demonstrate manifold reuse and
conservation approaches—conceptually, aesthetically and technically. They are expression of the intensive investigation and documentation efforts of members and
supporters of DOCOMOMO together with the academic and professional community.
Pottgiesser U, Jaschke F, Melenhorst M. 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo; 2020. doi:10.25644/n4qq-q019
Pottgiesser, U., Jaschke, F., & Melenhorst, M. (2020). 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo. https://doi.org/10.25644/n4qq-q019
Pottgiesser U, Jaschke F and Melenhorst M (2020) 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo.
Pottgiesser, Uta, Franz Jaschke, and Michael Melenhorst. 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo, 2020. https://doi.org/10.25644/n4qq-q019.
Pottgiesser, Uta, Franz Jaschke und Michael Melenhorst. 2020. 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo. doi:10.25644/n4qq-q019, .
Pottgiesser, Uta ; Jaschke, Franz ; Melenhorst, Michael: 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo, 2020
U. Pottgiesser, F. Jaschke, M. Melenhorst, 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today?, Lemgo, 2020.
U. Pottgiesser, F. Jaschke, and M. Melenhorst, 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo, 2020.
Pottgiesser, Uta, et al. 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? 2020, doi:10.25644/n4qq-q019.
Pottgiesser, Uta et. al. (2020): 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today?, Lemgo.
Pottgiesser U, Jaschke F, Melenhorst M. 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today? Lemgo; 2020. 80 p.
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