{"publication":"BrewingScience ","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["1866-5195"],"eissn":["0723-1520"]},"oa":"1","volume":60,"user_id":"83779","publisher":"Carl","page":"55-59","department":[{"_id":"DEP4018"}],"issue":"3/4","author":[{"first_name":"Jan","last_name":"Schneider","full_name":"Schneider, Jan","orcid":"0000-0001-6401-8873","id":"13209"},{"first_name":"M.","last_name":"Orzinski","full_name":"Orzinski, M."},{"last_name":"Hunger","first_name":"W.","full_name":"Hunger, W."}],"publication_status":"published","year":"2007","_id":"3529","intvolume":" 60","date_updated":"2024-05-21T07:39:11Z","date_created":"2020-09-22T12:01:07Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen","type":"journal_article","citation":{"chicago-de":"Schneider, Jan, M. Orzinski und W. Hunger. 2007. Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen. BrewingScience 60, Nr. 3/4: 55–59.","van":"Schneider J, Orzinski M, Hunger W. Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen. BrewingScience . 2007;60(3/4):55–9.","ama":"Schneider J, Orzinski M, Hunger W. Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen. BrewingScience . 2007;60(3/4):55-59.","din1505-2-1":"Schneider, Jan ; Orzinski, M. ; Hunger, W.: Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen. In: BrewingScience Bd. 60, Carl (2007), Nr. 3/4, S. 55–59","ieee":"J. Schneider, M. Orzinski, and W. Hunger, “Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen,” BrewingScience , vol. 60, no. 3/4, pp. 55–59, 2007.","mla":"Schneider, Jan, et al. “Determination of Oxygen Ingress and Carbon Dioxide Loss through Plastic Bottles Using Permeation Simulation with Hydrogen.” BrewingScience , vol. 60, no. 3/4, 2007, pp. 55–59.","chicago":"Schneider, Jan, M. Orzinski, and W. Hunger. “Determination of Oxygen Ingress and Carbon Dioxide Loss through Plastic Bottles Using Permeation Simulation with Hydrogen.” BrewingScience 60, no. 3/4 (2007): 55–59.","short":"J. Schneider, M. Orzinski, W. Hunger, BrewingScience 60 (2007) 55–59.","ufg":"Schneider, Jan/Orzinski, M./Hunger, W.: Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen, in: BrewingScience 60 (2007), H. 3/4,  S. 55–59.","apa":"Schneider, J., Orzinski, M., & Hunger, W. (2007). Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen. BrewingScience , 60(3/4), 55–59.","bjps":"Schneider J, Orzinski M and Hunger W (2007) Determination of Oxygen Ingress and Carbon Dioxide Loss through Plastic Bottles Using Permeation Simulation with Hydrogen. BrewingScience 60, 55–59.","havard":"J. Schneider, M. Orzinski, W. Hunger, Determination of oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide loss through plastic bottles using permeation simulation with hydrogen, BrewingScience . 60 (2007) 55–59."},"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.researchgate.net/publication/297167264_Determination_of_oxygen_ingress_and_carbon_dioxide_loss_through_plastic_bottles_using_permeation_simulation_with_hydrogen","open_access":"1"}],"status":"public"}