Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany

U. Austermann-Haun, in: 2005.

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Konferenz - Beitrag | Englisch
1st German Arabian Water Conference - Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
2005-06-20 – 2005-06-21


Austermann-Haun U. Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany. In: ; 2005.
Austermann-Haun, U. (2005). Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany. Presented at the 1st German Arabian Water Conference - Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Hannover.
Austermann-Haun U (2005) Experiences in the Field of Education of Experts on the Subject of Waste Water Treatment with Syria in Germany.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. “Experiences in the Field of Education of Experts on the Subject of Waste Water Treatment with Syria in Germany,” 2005.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. 2005. Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany. In: .
Austermann-Haun, Ute: Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany. In: , 2005
U. Austermann-Haun, Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany, in: 2005.
U. Austermann-Haun, “Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany,” presented at the 1st German Arabian Water Conference - Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Hannover, 2005.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. Experiences in the Field of Education of Experts on the Subject of Waste Water Treatment with Syria in Germany. 2005.
Austermann-Haun, Ute (2005): Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany, in: .
Austermann-Haun U. Experiences in the field of education of experts on the subject of waste water treatment with Syria in Germany. In 2005.


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