Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater

U. Austermann-Haun, in: 2010.

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Konferenz - Beitrag | Englisch
Workshop im Rahmen des BMBF-MOST-Projektes “Treatment of Tapioca Processing Industrial Wastewater and Sustainable Water Pollution Control Management of Key Economic Zones in Southern Vietnam
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
2010-06-10 – 2010-06-11


Austermann-Haun U. Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater. In: ; 2010.
Austermann-Haun, U. (2010). Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater. Presented at the Workshop im Rahmen des BMBF-MOST-Projektes “Treatment of Tapioca Processing Industrial Wastewater and Sustainable Water Pollution Control Management of Key Economic Zones in Southern Vietnam, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam.
Austermann-Haun U (2010) Biological Principles of the Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Wastewater.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. “Biological Principles of the Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Wastewater,” 2010.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. 2010. Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater. In: .
Austermann-Haun, Ute: Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater. In: , 2010
U. Austermann-Haun, Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater, in: 2010.
U. Austermann-Haun, “Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater,” presented at the Workshop im Rahmen des BMBF-MOST-Projektes “Treatment of Tapioca Processing Industrial Wastewater and Sustainable Water Pollution Control Management of Key Economic Zones in Southern Vietnam, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam, 2010.
Austermann-Haun, Ute. Biological Principles of the Anaerobic Treatment of High-Strength Wastewater. 2010.
Austermann-Haun, Ute (2010): Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater, in: .
Austermann-Haun U. Biological principles of the anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewater. In 2010.


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