{"title":"Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"74004","date_created":"2020-06-18T08:37:14Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:44Z","extern":"1","author":[{"id":"61906","full_name":"Materna, Daniel","last_name":"Materna","first_name":"Daniel"},{"first_name":"V. K.","last_name":"Kalpakides","full_name":"Kalpakides, V. K."}],"status":"public","department":[{"_id":"DEP3020"}],"type":"conference_abstract","citation":{"ieee":"D. Materna and V. K. Kalpakides, “Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations,” presented at the Summer School: Evolutionary Solid Bodies - Growth and Remodelling of Biological Tissues, Chania, 2013.","mla":"Materna, Daniel, and V. K. Kalpakides. Variational Design Sensitivity Analysis of Dual Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity with Applications to Error Analysis of First-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Relations. 2013.","ufg":"Materna, Daniel/Kalpakides, V. K. (2013): Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations, in: .","apa":"Materna, D., & Kalpakides, V. K. (2013). Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations. Presented at the Summer School: Evolutionary Solid Bodies - Growth and Remodelling of Biological Tissues, Chania.","bjps":"Materna D and Kalpakides VK (2013) Variational Design Sensitivity Analysis of Dual Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity with Applications to Error Analysis of First-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Relations.","chicago":"Materna, Daniel, and V. K. Kalpakides. “Variational Design Sensitivity Analysis of Dual Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity with Applications to Error Analysis of First-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Relations,” 2013.","short":"D. Materna, V.K. Kalpakides, in: 2013.","havard":"D. Materna, V.K. Kalpakides, Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations, in: 2013.","chicago-de":"Materna, Daniel und V. K. Kalpakides. 2013. Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations. In: .","van":"Materna D, Kalpakides VK. Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations. In 2013.","din1505-2-1":"Materna, Daniel ; Kalpakides, V. K.: Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations. In: , 2013","ama":"Materna D, Kalpakides VK. Variational design sensitivity analysis of dual problems in nonlinear elasticity with applications to error analysis of first-order adjoint sensitivity relations. In: ; 2013."},"conference":{"location":"Chania","name":"Summer School: Evolutionary Solid Bodies - Growth and Remodelling of Biological Tissues","end_date":"2013-05-27","start_date":"2013-05-25"},"year":2013,"_id":"2951"}