{"_id":"2689","year":2007,"publication":"to be submitted","type":"journal_article","citation":{"mla":"Materna, Daniel, and Franz-Joseph Barthold. “The Use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization.” To Be Submitted, 2007.","ieee":"D. Materna and F.-J. Barthold, “The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization,” to be submitted, 2007.","havard":"D. Materna, F.-J. Barthold, The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization, To Be Submitted. (2007).","short":"D. Materna, F.-J. Barthold, To Be Submitted (2007).","chicago":"Materna, Daniel, and Franz-Joseph Barthold. “The Use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization.” To Be Submitted, 2007.","apa":"Materna, D., & Barthold, F.-J. (2007). The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. To Be Submitted.","bjps":"Materna D and Barthold F-J (2007) The Use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. to be submitted.","ufg":"Materna, Daniel/Barthold, Franz-Joseph (2007): The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization, in: to be submitted.","chicago-de":"Materna, Daniel und Franz-Joseph Barthold. 2007. The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. to be submitted.","din1505-2-1":"Materna, Daniel ; Barthold, Franz-Joseph: The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. In: to be submitted (2007)","ama":"Materna D, Barthold F-J. The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. to be submitted. 2007.","van":"Materna D, Barthold F-J. The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization. to be submitted. 2007;"},"department":[{"_id":"DEP3020"}],"status":"public","author":[{"full_name":"Materna, Daniel","id":"61906","first_name":"Daniel","last_name":"Materna"},{"full_name":"Barthold, Franz-Joseph","first_name":"Franz-Joseph","last_name":"Barthold"}],"date_created":"2020-05-28T09:18:57Z","user_id":"68554","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:42Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"The use of Singular Value Decomposition in Sensitivity Analysis and Mesh Optimization"}