{"author":[{"last_name":"Brown","first_name":"David","id":"58586","full_name":"Brown, David"},{"last_name":"Hinrichsen","first_name":"Sven","id":"49010","full_name":"Hinrichsen, Sven"},{"first_name":"Melissa","last_name":"Paris","full_name":"Paris, Melissa","id":"64556"}],"doi":"10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5","page":"103-114","publisher":"Spinger","department":[{"_id":"DEP7020"}],"user_id":"49010","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Learning retention is improved when in addition to the learning methods of “classical” instruction (auditory, visual), further learning channels (discussing, doing) are addressed. In view of this, the coursework for the degree in Industrial Engineering has been designed to include teaching formats with a high level of interaction among students. In keeping with this teaching approach, an additional business game was developed for the Production Systems module. This game provides knowledge about the structure of the logistical workflow within production in general and the Kanban method in particular. The first step in designing the game was to define learning objectives. Based on these, a basic concept was derived. This basic concept applies the guideline for the introduction of Kanban by Geiger et al. (2011). The detailed concept was then worked out over the course of further development, leading to the design of an assembly line for Lego cars as well as the design of tasks on the subject of Kanban capability and for calculating the number of Kanban. The business game illustrates, inter alia, the difference between the Kanban method and a conventional production planning and control system. The simulation has been tested in a university course, evaluated and, in response to the positive feedback from students, integrated in the course instruction. The conclusion of the paper provides an outlook on the further development of instruction in the context of the digitization and networking of production."}],"publication":"Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-3-662-53304-8"]},"status":"public","type":"book_chapter","citation":{"ufg":"Brown, David et. al. (2017): Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method, in: Christopher Marc Schlick et. al. (Hgg.): Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 103–114.","van":"Brown D, Hinrichsen S, Paris M. Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In: Schlick CM, Duckwitz Sönke, Flemisch Frank, Frenz M, Kuz S, Mertens A, et al., editors. Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger; 2017. p. 103–14.","bjps":"Brown D, Hinrichsen S and Paris M (2017) Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In Schlick CM et al. (eds), Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger, pp. 103–114.","apa":"Brown, D., Hinrichsen, S., & Paris, M. (2017). Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In C. M. Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , M. Frenz, S. Kuz, A. Mertens, & S. Mütze-Niewöhner (Eds.), Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes (pp. 103–114). Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5","short":"D. Brown, S. Hinrichsen, M. Paris, in: C.M. Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , M. Frenz, S. Kuz, A. Mertens, S. Mütze-Niewöhner (Eds.), Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, Spinger, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017, pp. 103–114.","chicago":"Brown, David, Sven Hinrichsen, and Melissa Paris. “Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method.” In Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, edited by Christopher Marc Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , Martin Frenz, Sinem Kuz, Alexander Mertens, and Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner, 103–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5.","havard":"D. Brown, S. Hinrichsen, M. Paris, Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method, in: C.M. Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , M. Frenz, S. Kuz, A. Mertens, S. Mütze-Niewöhner (Eds.), Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, Spinger, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017: pp. 103–114.","ama":"Brown D, Hinrichsen S, Paris M. Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In: Schlick CM, Duckwitz Sönke, Flemisch Frank, et al., eds. Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger; 2017:103-114. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5","din1505-2-1":"Brown, David ; Hinrichsen, Sven ; Paris, Melissa: Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In: Schlick, C. M. ; Duckwitz , Sönke ; Flemisch , Frank ; Frenz, M. ; Kuz, S. ; Mertens, A. ; Mütze-Niewöhner, S. (Hrsg.): Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. Berlin, Heidelberg : Spinger, 2017, S. 103–114","ieee":"D. Brown, S. Hinrichsen, and M. Paris, “Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method,” in Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, C. M. Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , M. Frenz, S. Kuz, A. Mertens, and S. Mütze-Niewöhner, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger, 2017, pp. 103–114.","chicago-de":"Brown, David, Sven Hinrichsen und Melissa Paris. 2017. Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method. In: Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, hg. von Christopher Marc Schlick, Sönke Duckwitz , Frank Flemisch , Martin Frenz, Sinem Kuz, Alexander Mertens, und Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner, 103–114. Berlin, Heidelberg: Spinger. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5, .","mla":"Brown, David, et al. “Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method.” Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, edited by Christopher Marc Schlick et al., Spinger, 2017, pp. 103–14, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53305-5."},"place":"Berlin, Heidelberg","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Development of a Business Game for Teaching the Kanban Method","editor":[{"first_name":"Christopher Marc ","last_name":"Schlick","full_name":"Schlick, Christopher Marc "},{"first_name":" Sönke","last_name":"Duckwitz ","full_name":"Duckwitz , Sönke"},{"full_name":"Flemisch , Frank","last_name":"Flemisch ","first_name":" Frank"},{"first_name":"Martin","last_name":"Frenz","full_name":"Frenz, Martin"},{"first_name":"Sinem","last_name":"Kuz","full_name":"Kuz, Sinem"},{"full_name":"Mertens, Alexander","first_name":"Alexander","last_name":"Mertens"},{"last_name":"Mütze-Niewöhner","first_name":"Susanne","full_name":"Mütze-Niewöhner, Susanne"}],"date_created":"2018-11-26T10:15:09Z","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:41Z","year":2017,"_id":"261","publication_status":"published","conference":{"name":"62. GfA Frühjahrskongress 2016","location":"Aachen","start_date":"2016-03-02","end_date":"2016-03-04"}}