{"oa":"1","_id":"12676","year":"2024","related_material":{"link":[{"url":"https://doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72","relation":"original"}]},"abstract":[{"text":"This issue of Docomomo Journal on the architects Dušan Grabrijan (1899-1952) and Juraj Neidhardt (1901-1979) keeps with the tradition of collaboration and discourse. The authors investigate, describe, and interpret the friendship, exchange, and works of both architects and their role in the modernization of Yugoslav architecture since the 1920s based on their international experience. Grabjian, the first graduate of Jože Plečnik at the University of Ljubljana, went to study in Paris in 1925-26, and Neidhardt worked in the studio of Le Corbusier in Paris from 1933-35.\r\nBoth Grabrijan and Neidhardt played crucial roles in articulating a Yugoslavian architectural identity that straddled modernism and regionalism. Their work in Bosnia and Herzegovina was groundbreaking in its insistence that modern architecture could not simply be imported from the West; it had to be adapted to the local climate, materials, and ways of life. They both remain influential in the study of how architecture can reconcile the tension between modern abstraction and regional specificity, and their work continues to be studied as a model for integrating global and local architectural practices.","lang":"eng"}],"quality_controlled":"1","publication_status":"published","citation":{"chicago-de":"Pottgiesser, Uta und Wido Quist, Hrsg. 2024. The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International. doi:doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72, .","mla":"Pottgiesser, Uta, and Wido Quist, editors. The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International, 2024, https://doi.org/doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72.","ieee":"U. Pottgiesser and W. Quist, Eds., The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International, 2024. doi: doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72.","havard":"U. Pottgiesser, W. Quist, eds., The Way towards Regional Modernities, Docomomo International, 2024.","ama":"Pottgiesser U, Quist W, eds. The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International; 2024. doi:doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72","din1505-2-1":"Pottgiesser, U. ; Quist, W. (Hrsg.): The Way towards Regional Modernities : Docomomo International, 2024","ufg":"Pottgiesser, Uta/Quist, Wido: The Way towards Regional Modernities, o. O. 2024.","apa":"Pottgiesser, U., & Quist, W. (Eds.). (2024). The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72","van":"Pottgiesser U, Quist W, editors. The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International; 2024.","bjps":"Pottgiesser U and Quist W (eds) (2024) The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International.","chicago":"Pottgiesser, Uta, and Wido Quist, eds. The Way towards Regional Modernities. Docomomo International, 2024. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72.","short":"U. Pottgiesser, W. Quist, eds., The Way towards Regional Modernities, Docomomo International, 2024."},"type":"special_magazine","publisher":"Docomomo International","doi":"doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72","status":"public","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://doi.org/10.52200/docomomo.72"}],"keyword":["Dušan Grabrijan","Juraj Neidhardt","Yugoslav architecture","Bosnia and Herzegovina","Slovenia"],"date_updated":"2025-03-09T19:10:50Z","user_id":"27166","date_created":"2025-03-09T19:08:51Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"editor":[{"orcid":"0000-0002-8594-3168","full_name":"Pottgiesser, Uta","id":"27166","first_name":"Uta","last_name":"Pottgiesser"},{"last_name":"Quist","first_name":"Wido","full_name":"Quist, Wido"}],"title":"The Way towards Regional Modernities"}