{"publisher":"MDPI AG","doi":"10.3390/coatings15020210","department":[{"_id":"DEP5020"},{"_id":"DEP6020"}],"issue":"2","author":[{"first_name":"Abhijeet Narendra","last_name":"Shrotri","full_name":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra","orcid":"0000-0003-2116-156X","id":"74090"},{"last_name":"Preu","first_name":"Sascha","full_name":"Preu, Sascha"},{"full_name":"Stübbe, Oliver","orcid":"0000-0001-7293-6893","id":"51864","first_name":"Oliver","last_name":"Stübbe"}],"user_id":"83781","volume":15,"article_number":"210","publication":"Coatings : open access journal","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2079-6412"]},"abstract":[{"text":"Additive manufacturing of optical, electrical, and mechanical components is a beneficial approach for the rapid prototyping of components and error elimination, with short turnaround times. However, additively manufactured components usually have rough surfaces that need post-processing, particularly for optical components, where the surface roughness must be a small fraction of the wavelength. We demonstrate an innovative and economical approach by dip-coating with the same resin used for printing in a simple post-processing step, providing high transparency to the 3D-printed optical components and reducing surface roughness while achieving perfect index matching of the coating layer. The surface roughness of the 3D-printed optical components drops to 5 nm (arithmetic average) after the dip-coating process. We observed significant performance enhancements after comparing the unprocessed optical components and the dip-coated optical components, including optical transparency and a shiny surface finish for previously rough surfaces.","lang":"eng"}],"citation":{"apa":"Shrotri, A. N., Preu, S., & Stübbe, O. (2025). Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. Coatings : Open Access Journal, 15(2), Article 210. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings15020210","bjps":"Shrotri AN, Preu S and Stübbe O (2025) Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. Coatings : open access journal 15.","ufg":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra/Preu, Sascha/Stübbe, Oliver: Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish, in: Coatings : open access journal 15 (2025), H. 2.","chicago":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Sascha Preu, and Oliver Stübbe. “Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish.” Coatings : Open Access Journal 15, no. 2 (2025). https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings15020210.","short":"A.N. Shrotri, S. Preu, O. Stübbe, Coatings : Open Access Journal 15 (2025).","havard":"A.N. Shrotri, S. Preu, O. Stübbe, Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish, Coatings : Open Access Journal. 15 (2025).","ieee":"A. N. Shrotri, S. Preu, and O. Stübbe, “Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish,” Coatings : open access journal, vol. 15, no. 2, Art. no. 210, 2025, doi: 10.3390/coatings15020210.","mla":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, et al. “Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish.” Coatings : Open Access Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, 210, 2025, https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings15020210.","van":"Shrotri AN, Preu S, Stübbe O. Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. Coatings : open access journal. 2025;15(2).","ama":"Shrotri AN, Preu S, Stübbe O. Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. Coatings : open access journal. 2025;15(2). doi:10.3390/coatings15020210","din1505-2-1":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra ; Preu, Sascha ; Stübbe, Oliver: Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. In: Coatings : open access journal Bd. 15. Basel, MDPI AG (2025), Nr. 2","chicago-de":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Sascha Preu und Oliver Stübbe. 2025. Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish. Coatings : open access journal 15, Nr. 2. doi:10.3390/coatings15020210, ."},"type":"scientific_journal_article","place":"Basel","status":"public","keyword":["additive manufacturing","post-processing","optics","dip-coating"],"date_updated":"2025-02-12T08:37:34Z","date_created":"2025-02-11T11:56:38Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Achieving Transparency and Minimizing Losses of Rough Additively Manufactured Optical Components by a Dip-Coating Surface Finish","year":"2025","_id":"12424","intvolume":" 15","quality_controlled":"1","publication_status":"published"}