{"year":"2024","_id":"12276","has_accepted_license":"1","oa":"1","publication_status":"published","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://iucn.org/resources/jointly-published/european-dragonflies-moving-assessment-conservation-planning"}],"status":"public","author":[{"first_name":"G.","last_name":"De Knijf","full_name":"De Knijf, G."},{"full_name":"Billqvist, M.","first_name":"M.","last_name":"Billqvist"},{"full_name":"Van Grunsven, R.","first_name":"R.","last_name":"Van Grunsven"},{"first_name":"D. ","last_name":"Allen","full_name":"Allen, D. "},{"full_name":"Assandri, G.","last_name":"Assandri","first_name":"G."},{"full_name":"Bellotto, V.","last_name":"Bellotto","first_name":"V."},{"last_name":"Bruslund","first_name":"S.","full_name":"Bruslund, S."},{"first_name":"M.","last_name":"Bedjanic","full_name":"Bedjanic, M."},{"full_name":"Conze, K.-J.","last_name":"Conze","first_name":"K.-J."},{"full_name":"Diaz Martinez, C.","last_name":"Diaz Martinez","first_name":"C."},{"first_name":"Mathias","last_name":"Lohr","full_name":"Lohr, Mathias","id":"22021"},{"full_name":" al., et.","last_name":" al.","first_name":"et."}],"page":"44","type":"book","citation":{"ieee":"G. De Knijf et al., European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). 2024.","mla":"De Knijf, G., et al. European Dragonflies: Moving from Assessment to Conservation Planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). Edited by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2024.","apa":"De Knijf, G., Billqvist, M., Van Grunsven, R., Allen, D., Assandri, G., Bellotto, V., Bruslund, S., Bedjanic, M., Conze, K.-J., Diaz Martinez, C., Lohr, M., & al., et. (2024). European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Ed.).","ufg":"De Knijf, G. u. a.: European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata)., hg. von International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, o. O. 2024.","bjps":"De Knijf G et al. (2024) European Dragonflies: Moving from Assessment to Conservation Planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata)., International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ed.). .","chicago":"De Knijf, G., M. Billqvist, R. Van Grunsven, D. Allen, G. Assandri, V. Bellotto, S. Bruslund, et al. European Dragonflies: Moving from Assessment to Conservation Planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). Edited by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2024.","short":"G. De Knijf, M. Billqvist, R. Van Grunsven, D. Allen, G. Assandri, V. Bellotto, S. Bruslund, M. Bedjanic, K.-J. Conze, C. Diaz Martinez, M. Lohr, et. al., European Dragonflies: Moving from Assessment to Conservation Planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata)., 2024.","havard":"G. De Knijf, M. Billqvist, R. Van Grunsven, D. Allen, G. Assandri, V. Bellotto, S. Bruslund, M. Bedjanic, K.-J. Conze, C. Diaz Martinez, M. Lohr, et. al., European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata)., 2024.","chicago-de":"De Knijf, G., M. Billqvist, R. Van Grunsven, D. Allen, G. Assandri, V. Bellotto, S. Bruslund, u. a. 2024. European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). Hg. von International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.","van":"De Knijf G, Billqvist M, Van Grunsven R, Allen D, Assandri G, Bellotto V, et al. European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, editor. 2024. 44 p.","ama":"De Knijf G, Billqvist M, Van Grunsven R, et al. European Dragonflies: Moving from Assessment to Conservation Planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata). (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, ed.).; 2024.","din1505-2-1":"De Knijf, G. ; Billqvist, M. ; Van Grunsven, R. ; Allen, D. ; Assandri, G. ; Bellotto, V. ; Bruslund, S. ; Bedjanic, M. ; u. a. ; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Hrsg.): European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata)., 2024"},"department":[{"_id":"DEP1310"},{"_id":"DEP9012"}],"ddc":["570"],"corporate_editor":["International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources"],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"European Dragonflies: Moving from assessment to conservation planning. Apendix to the Status Assessment of European Dragonflies (Odonata).","user_id":"83781","date_created":"2025-01-02T17:17:11Z","date_updated":"2025-01-06T10:32:31Z"}