{"publication":"Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium","abstract":[{"text":"Since the early 2000s, forest owners in Central Europe have increasingly planted Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH) and Noble fir (Abies procera REHD.) for Christmas trees, intending to convert them into high forests. Climate-related damage, especially since 2018, has significantly reduced spruce populations, requirering a shift towards climate-adaptable tree species in future forests. Additionally, to reduce CO2 emissions from construction, there's a push for expanding timber construction, requiring non-spruce species for load-bearing products and applications. Although Nordmann and Noble fir are potential alternatives to spruce, they are not yet integrated into European standardization for load-bearing construction. Therefore, an assessment of German-origin Nordmann and Noble fir for use in glued laminated building products (GLT and CLT) is underway. Kiln-dried lamellas are graded visually and by machine using longitudinal vibration, with selected lamellas tested for tensile strength. Various mechanical properties are determined using non-destructive and destructive methods to establish input parameters for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). ","lang":"eng"}],"oa":"1","user_id":"83781","publisher":"United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)","page":"192-204","department":[{"_id":"DEP7018"},{"_id":"DEP1309"}],"author":[{"id":"26232","full_name":"Frühwald-König, Katja","last_name":"Frühwald-König","first_name":"Katja"},{"full_name":"Hackel, Martin","id":"79798","first_name":"Martin","last_name":"Hackel"},{"full_name":"Kipp, Dennis","id":"69573","first_name":"Dennis","last_name":"Kipp"},{"full_name":"Lüke, Karin","id":"74640","first_name":"Karin","last_name":"Lüke"},{"id":"77282","full_name":"Stracke, Felix Leonard","last_name":"Stracke","first_name":"Felix Leonard"},{"first_name":"Noah","last_name":"Burghaus","full_name":"Burghaus, Noah","id":"77259"},{"full_name":"Wieland, Stefanie","last_name":"Wieland","first_name":"Stefanie"}],"conference":{"end_date":"2024-09-21","start_date":"2024-09-17","location":"Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil","name":"23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium"},"publication_status":"published","_id":"12028","year":"2024","date_updated":"2024-11-08T14:35:51Z","date_created":"2024-11-08T09:33:17Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing","citation":{"havard":"K. Frühwald-König, M. Hackel, D. Kipp, K. Lüke, F.L. Stracke, N. Burghaus, S. Wieland, Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024.","ama":"Frühwald-König K, Hackel M, Kipp D, et al. Nordmann and Noble Fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); 2024:192-204.","din1505-2-1":"Frühwald-König, Katja ; Hackel, Martin ; Kipp, Dennis ; Lüke, Karin ; Stracke, Felix Leonard ; Burghaus, Noah ; Wieland, Stefanie: Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing : United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024","van":"Frühwald-König K, Hackel M, Kipp D, Lüke K, Stracke FL, Burghaus N, et al. Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); 2024.","ufg":"Frühwald-König, Katja u. a.: Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing, o. O. 2024.","bjps":"Frühwald-König K et al. (2024) Nordmann and Noble Fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).","apa":"Frühwald-König, K., Hackel, M., Kipp, D., Lüke, K., Stracke, F. L., Burghaus, N., & Wieland, S. (2024). Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium (pp. 192–204). United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).","short":"K. Frühwald-König, M. Hackel, D. Kipp, K. Lüke, F.L. Stracke, N. Burghaus, S. Wieland, Nordmann and Noble Fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024.","chicago":"Frühwald-König, Katja, Martin Hackel, Dennis Kipp, Karin Lüke, Felix Leonard Stracke, Noah Burghaus, and Stefanie Wieland. Nordmann and Noble Fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024.","chicago-de":"Frühwald-König, Katja, Martin Hackel, Dennis Kipp, Karin Lüke, Felix Leonard Stracke, Noah Burghaus und Stefanie Wieland. 2024. Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).","mla":"Frühwald-König, Katja, et al. “Nordmann and Noble Fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing.” Proceedings of the 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024, pp. 192–204.","ieee":"K. Frühwald-König et al., Nordmann and Noble fir Lamellas for Structural Purposes – Grading and Determination of Elastomechanical Properties by Non-Destructive and Destructive Testing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2024, pp. 192–204."},"type":"conference_editor_article","status":"public","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://0cdb47ff-77aa-47e5-934f-02cbc1522dca.usrfiles.com/ugd/0cdb47_0e99942089924b718bd01f1cb897f338.pdf","open_access":"1"}],"keyword":["Nordmann fir","Noble fir","grading","elastomechanical properties","ultrasonic testing","vibration measurement"]}