Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake

S. Morejon Caraballo, S.V. Fischer, K. Masztalerz, K. Lech, H. Rohm, S. Struck, International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2024).

Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor dem Druck | Englisch
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The aim of the present study was to texturise protein from sunflower press cake (SPC) for being consumed as dry snack or, in its hydrated state, as a meat analogue. In preliminary experiments, feed moisture (15–25 g 100 g−1) and extrusion temperature (180 °C–200 °C) were varied when processing commercial sunflower protein flour with a protein content of 51.8 g per 100 g dry matter using low moisture single-screw extrusion. The extrudates were analysed with regard to specific mechanical energy needs, texture properties in dry and hydrated state, colour, expansion ratio and water binding capacity. Extrusion parameters for achieving maximum expansion, textural force and minimal product moisture were found to be 180 °C and 15 g 100 g−1. Consequently, texturised protein was derived from deoiled SPC using these extrusion parameters. Initial deoiling of the press cake was necessary as it improved texturisation; a higher SME input reached led to increased cross-linking of the protein matrix. The light coloured and significantly expanded extrudates with high water binding capacity and could serve as basis for further development of snack products or meat analogues.
International journal of food science & technology


Morejon Caraballo S, Fischer SV, Masztalerz K, Lech K, Rohm H, Struck S. Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake. International journal of food science & technology. Published online 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513
Morejon Caraballo, S., Fischer, S. V., Masztalerz, K., Lech, K., Rohm, H., & Struck, S. (2024). Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513
Morejon Caraballo S et al. (2024) Low Moisture Texturised Protein from Sunflower Press Cake. International journal of food science & technology.
Morejon Caraballo, Sophie, Simon Vincent Fischer, Klaudia Masztalerz, Krzysztof Lech, Harald Rohm, and Susanne Struck. “Low Moisture Texturised Protein from Sunflower Press Cake.” International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2024. https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513.
Morejon Caraballo, Sophie, Simon Vincent Fischer, Klaudia Masztalerz, Krzysztof Lech, Harald Rohm und Susanne Struck. 2024. Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake. International journal of food science & technology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513, .
Morejon Caraballo, Sophie ; Fischer, Simon Vincent ; Masztalerz, Klaudia ; Lech, Krzysztof ; Rohm, Harald ; Struck, Susanne: Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake. In: International journal of food science & technology. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell (2024)
S. Morejon Caraballo, S.V. Fischer, K. Masztalerz, K. Lech, H. Rohm, S. Struck, Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake, International Journal of Food Science & Technology. (2024).
S. Morejon Caraballo, S. V. Fischer, K. Masztalerz, K. Lech, H. Rohm, and S. Struck, “Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake,” International journal of food science & technology, 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513.
Morejon Caraballo, Sophie, et al. “Low Moisture Texturised Protein from Sunflower Press Cake.” International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2024, https://doi.org/ https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.17513.
Morejon Caraballo, Sophie u. a.: Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake, in: International journal of food science & technology (2024).
Morejon Caraballo S, Fischer SV, Masztalerz K, Lech K, Rohm H, Struck S. Low moisture texturised protein from sunflower press cake. International journal of food science & technology. 2024;
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