{"date_created":"2024-07-31T14:31:30Z","user_id":"83781","date_updated":"2025-01-21T15:23:14Z","title":"Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems","editor":[{"last_name":"Kurt","first_name":"Erol","full_name":"Kurt, Erol"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"DEP6017"}],"type":"conference_editor_article","publisher":"Erol Kurt","citation":{"ieee":"G. H. Klepp, T. Broeker, and N. Schneidewind, Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. Erol Kurt, 2024.","mla":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich, et al. “Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems.” Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024), edited by Erol Kurt, Erol Kurt, 2024.","apa":"Klepp, G. H., Broeker, T., & Schneidewind, N. (2024). Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. In E. Kurt (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024). Erol Kurt.","ufg":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich/Broeker, Timo/Schneidewind, Niko: Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems, hg. von Kurt, Erol, o. O. 2024.","bjps":"Klepp GH, Broeker T and Schneidewind N (2024) Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems, Kurt E (ed.). Erol Kurt.","chicago":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich, Timo Broeker, and Niko Schneidewind. Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. Edited by Erol Kurt. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024). Erol Kurt, 2024.","short":"G.H. Klepp, T. Broeker, N. Schneidewind, Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems, Erol Kurt, 2024.","havard":"G.H. Klepp, T. Broeker, N. Schneidewind, Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems, Erol Kurt, 2024.","chicago-de":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich, Timo Broeker und Niko Schneidewind. 2024. Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. Hg. von Erol Kurt. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024). Erol Kurt.","van":"Klepp GH, Broeker T, Schneidewind N. Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. Kurt E, editor. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024). Erol Kurt; 2024.","ama":"Klepp GH, Broeker T, Schneidewind N. Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. (Kurt E, ed.). Erol Kurt; 2024.","din1505-2-1":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich ; Broeker, Timo ; Schneidewind, Niko ; Kurt, E. (Hrsg.): Evaluation of The Techno-Economic Aspects and Sustainability of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems : Erol Kurt, 2024"},"author":[{"first_name":"Georg Heinrich","last_name":"Klepp","full_name":"Klepp, Georg Heinrich","id":"49011"},{"last_name":"Broeker","first_name":"Timo","id":"43927","full_name":"Broeker, Timo"},{"first_name":"Niko","last_name":"Schneidewind","full_name":"Schneidewind, Niko","id":"85120"}],"status":"public","publication_identifier":{"unknown":["978-605-70842-3-1"]},"conference":{"start_date":"2024-05-16","end_date":"2024-05-17","name":"12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024)","location":"Palma de Mallorca, Spain"},"publication":"Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 2024)","publication_status":"published","_id":"11809","year":"2024"}