Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems

P. Bruland, J. Doods, T. Brix, M. Dugas, M. Storck, International Journal of Medical Informatics 119 (2018) 103–108.

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Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract Objective: In the last years, several projects promote the secondary use of routine healthcare data based on electronic health record (EHR) data. In multicenter studies, dedicated pseudonymization services are applied for unified pseudonym handling. Healthcare, clinical research and pseudonymization systems are generally disconnected. Hence, the aim of this research work is to integrate these applications and to evaluate the workflow of clinical research. Methods: We analyzed and identified technical solutions for legislation compliant automatic pseudonym generation and for the integration into EHR as well as electronic data capture (EDC) systems. The Mainzelliste was used as pseudonymization service, which is available as open source solution and compliant with the data privacy concept in Germany. Subject of the integration was the local EHR and an in-house developed EDC system. A time and motion study was conducted to evaluate the effects on the workflow. Results: Integration of EHR, pseudonymization service and EDC systems is technically feasible and leads to a less fragmented usage of all applications. Generated pseudonyms are obtained from the service hosted at a trusted third party and can now be used in the EDC as well as in the EHR system for direct access and re-identification. The evaluation of 90 registration iterations shows that the time for documentation has been significantly reduced in average by 39.6 s (56.3%) from 71 ± 8 s to 31 ± 5 s per registered study patient. Conclusions: By incorporating EHR, EDC and pseudonymization systems, it is now feasible to support multicenter studies and registers out of an integrated system landscape within a hospital. Optimizing the workflow of patient registration for clinical research allows reduction of double data entry and transcription errors as well as a seamless transition from clinical routine to research data collection. Keywords: Data management; Electronic data capture; Health information systems; Pseudonymization; Workflow optimization.
International Journal of Medical Informatics


Bruland P, Doods J, Brix T, Dugas M, Storck M. Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2018;119:103-108. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.09.007
Bruland, P., Doods, J., Brix, T., Dugas, M., & Storck, M. (2018). Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 119, 103–108.
Bruland P et al. (2018) Connecting Healthcare and Clinical Research: Workflow Optimizations through Seamless Integration of EHR, Pseudonymization Services and EDC Systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics 119, 103–108.
Bruland, Philipp, Justin Doods, Tobias Brix, Martin Dugas, and Michael Storck. “Connecting Healthcare and Clinical Research: Workflow Optimizations through Seamless Integration of EHR, Pseudonymization Services and EDC Systems.” International Journal of Medical Informatics 119 (2018): 103–8.
Bruland, Philipp, Justin Doods, Tobias Brix, Martin Dugas und Michael Storck. 2018. Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics 119: 103–108. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.09.007, .
Bruland, Philipp ; Doods, Justin ; Brix, Tobias ; Dugas, Martin ; Storck, Michael: Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems. In: International Journal of Medical Informatics Bd. 119, Elsevier BV (2018), S. 103–108
P. Bruland, J. Doods, T. Brix, M. Dugas, M. Storck, Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems, International Journal of Medical Informatics. 119 (2018) 103–108.
P. Bruland, J. Doods, T. Brix, M. Dugas, and M. Storck, “Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 119, pp. 103–108, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.09.007.
Bruland, Philipp, et al. “Connecting Healthcare and Clinical Research: Workflow Optimizations through Seamless Integration of EHR, Pseudonymization Services and EDC Systems.” International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 119, 2018, pp. 103–08,
Bruland, Philipp u. a.: Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems, in: International Journal of Medical Informatics 119 (2018),  S. 103–108.
Bruland P, Doods J, Brix T, Dugas M, Storck M. Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2018;119:103–8.


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