{"type":"journal_article","citation":{"apa":"Bruland, P., Kathöfer, U., Treder, M., Eter, N., & Dugas, M. (2017). Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 245, 1254.","ufg":"Bruland, Philipp u. a.: Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center., in: Studies in health technology and informatics 245 (2017),  S. 1254.","van":"Bruland P, Kathöfer U, Treder M, Eter N, Dugas M. Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2017;245:1254.","bjps":"Bruland P et al. (2017) Integrating X4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. Studies in health technology and informatics 245, 1254.","short":"P. Bruland, U. Kathöfer, M. Treder, N. Eter, M. Dugas, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 245 (2017) 1254.","chicago":"Bruland, Philipp, Ulrike Kathöfer, Maximilian Treder, Nicole Eter, and Martin Dugas. “Integrating X4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center.” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 245 (2017): 1254.","havard":"P. Bruland, U. Kathöfer, M. Treder, N. Eter, M. Dugas, Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 245 (2017) 1254.","ama":"Bruland P, Kathöfer U, Treder M, Eter N, Dugas M. Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2017;245:1254.","din1505-2-1":"Bruland, Philipp ; Kathöfer, Ulrike ; Treder, Maximilian ; Eter, Nicole ; Dugas, Martin: Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. In: Studies in health technology and informatics Bd. 245, IOS Press (2017), S. 1254","ieee":"P. Bruland, U. Kathöfer, M. Treder, N. Eter, and M. Dugas, “Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center.,” Studies in health technology and informatics, vol. 245, p. 1254, 2017.","chicago-de":"Bruland, Philipp, Ulrike Kathöfer, Maximilian Treder, Nicole Eter und Martin Dugas. 2017. Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center. Studies in health technology and informatics 245: 1254.","mla":"Bruland, Philipp, et al. “Integrating X4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center.” Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 245, 2017, p. 1254."},"keyword":["Electronic Data Capture","Reading Center","System Integration"],"status":"public","date_created":"2024-06-24T07:39:08Z","pmid":"1","date_updated":"2024-08-15T12:56:05Z","title":"Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center.","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 245","_id":"11590","year":"2017","publication_status":"published","department":[{"_id":"DEP5024"}],"page":"1254","publisher":"IOS Press","author":[{"id":"75847","full_name":"Bruland, Philipp","orcid":"0000-0001-6939-7630","last_name":"Bruland","first_name":"Philipp"},{"full_name":"Kathöfer, Ulrike","last_name":"Kathöfer","first_name":"Ulrike"},{"last_name":"Treder","first_name":"Maximilian","full_name":"Treder, Maximilian"},{"first_name":"Nicole","last_name":"Eter","full_name":"Eter, Nicole"},{"first_name":"Martin","last_name":"Dugas","full_name":"Dugas, Martin"}],"user_id":"83781","volume":245,"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0926-9630"],"eissn":["1879-8365"]},"publication":"Studies in health technology and informatics","external_id":{"pmid":["29295339"]},"abstract":[{"text":"Reading centers provide centralized high-quality diagnostics in ophthalmic clinical trials. Since ophthalmic images are captured in electronic format at peripheral clinics, an integrated workflow for image transfer and creation of structured reports is needed, including quality assurance. The image portal and the study database are separate components. We assessed whether this integration is feasible with trial-related IT standards and built a prototype system as a proof-of-concept. CDISC ODM and OAuth authentication were used to integrate the image portal with x4T-EDC, facilitating automatic data transfer and single sign-on.","lang":"eng"}]}