Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex

S. Steinke, P. Bruland, C.S. Blome, N. Osada, M. Dugas, F. Fritz, M. Augustin, S. Ständer, British Journal of Dermatology 176 (2017) 363–370.

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British Journal of Dermatology


Steinke S, Bruland P, Blome CS, et al. Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex. British Journal of Dermatology. 2017;176(2):363-370. doi:10.1111/bjd.14910
Steinke, S., Bruland, P., Blome, C. S., Osada, N., Dugas, M., Fritz, F., Augustin, M., & Ständer, S. (2017). Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex. British Journal of Dermatology, 176(2), 363–370.
Steinke S et al. (2017) Chronic Pruritus: Evaluation of Patient Needs and Treatment Goals with a Special Regard to Differences According to Pruritus Classification and Sex. British Journal of Dermatology 176, 363–370.
Steinke, Sabine, Philipp Bruland, Catherine Sharie Blome, N. Osada, M. Dugas, F. Fritz, M. Augustin, and S. Ständer. “Chronic Pruritus: Evaluation of Patient Needs and Treatment Goals with a Special Regard to Differences According to Pruritus Classification and Sex.” British Journal of Dermatology 176, no. 2 (2017): 363–70.
Steinke, Sabine, Philipp Bruland, Catherine Sharie Blome, N. Osada, M. Dugas, F. Fritz, M. Augustin und S. Ständer. 2017. Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex. British Journal of Dermatology 176, Nr. 2: 363–370. doi:10.1111/bjd.14910, .
Steinke, Sabine ; Bruland, Philipp ; Blome, Catherine Sharie ; Osada, N. ; Dugas, M. ; Fritz, F. ; Augustin, M. ; Ständer, S.: Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex. In: British Journal of Dermatology Bd. 176. Oxford, Oxford University Press (OUP) (2017), Nr. 2, S. 363–370
S. Steinke, P. Bruland, C.S. Blome, N. Osada, M. Dugas, F. Fritz, M. Augustin, S. Ständer, Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex, British Journal of Dermatology. 176 (2017) 363–370.
S. Steinke et al., “Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex,” British Journal of Dermatology, vol. 176, no. 2, pp. 363–370, 2017, doi: 10.1111/bjd.14910.
Steinke, Sabine, et al. “Chronic Pruritus: Evaluation of Patient Needs and Treatment Goals with a Special Regard to Differences According to Pruritus Classification and Sex.” British Journal of Dermatology, vol. 176, no. 2, 2017, pp. 363–70,
Steinke, Sabine u. a.: Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex, in: British Journal of Dermatology 176 (2017), H. 2,  S. 363–370.
Steinke S, Bruland P, Blome CS, Osada N, Dugas M, Fritz F, et al. Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex. British Journal of Dermatology. 2017;176(2):363–70.


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