Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle

R. Hanselle, D. Stork, S. Lück, R. Rasche, R. Naumann, S. Witte, Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle, Springer Nature, 2024.

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Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Currently, numerous single track railway lines are disused due to economic reasons. One way they could be reactivated for bidirectional on demand traffic is by small cabin-like vehicles, lateral stabilized by a system of control moment gyroscopes and a moveable mass. Regarding such a vehicle, there is currently no reference in comparison with other vehicles and no experimental experience or the like. To ensure the functionality and safety of the vehicle even before its realization, a model-based design is carried out for development, analysis, optimization and testing. This paper is focused on the co-simulation of such a vehicle that is controlled by a longitudinal control. In order to take into account the complex interaction between the longitudinal dynamics and the running gear, the entire system must be considered here including the wheel/rail interaction. Co-simulations are performed considering both the mechanical model of the vehicle and the control of the longitudinal dynamics of the overall system. The simulation results show that functionality and safe operation can be ensured by the vehicle longitudinal controls. As a result, the simulation and the measurement of the real system show a good match. By means of HIL and co-simulations, function tests could be shifted to earlier development stages, in order to accelerate the overall development.
Titel Konferenzband
Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles
28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023
Ottawa, Canada
2023-08-21 – 2023-08-25


Hanselle R, Stork D, Lück S, Rasche R, Naumann R, Witte S. Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. (Huang W, Ahmadian M, eds.). Springer Nature; 2024. doi:
Hanselle, R., Stork, D., Lück, S., Rasche, R., Naumann, R., & Witte, S. (2024). Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. In W. Huang & M. Ahmadian (Eds.), Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III  Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles. Springer Nature.
Hanselle R et al. (2024) Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle, Huang W and Ahmadian M (eds). Springer Nature.
Hanselle, Raphael, Dominic Stork, Sönke Lück, Rainer Rasche, Rolf Naumann, and Stefan Witte. Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. Edited by Wei Huang and Mehdi Ahmadian. Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III  Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME)) . Springer Nature, 2024.
Hanselle, Raphael, Dominic Stork, Sönke Lück, Rainer Rasche, Rolf Naumann und Stefan Witte. 2024. Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. Hg. von Wei Huang und Mehdi Ahmadian. Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III  Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME)) . Springer Nature. doi:, .
Hanselle, Raphael ; Stork, Dominic ; Lück, Sönke ; Rasche, Rainer ; Naumann, Rolf ; Witte, Stefan ; Huang, W. ; Ahmadian, M. (Hrsg.): Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME))  : Springer Nature, 2024
R. Hanselle, D. Stork, S. Lück, R. Rasche, R. Naumann, S. Witte, Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle, Springer Nature, 2024.
R. Hanselle, D. Stork, S. Lück, R. Rasche, R. Naumann, and S. Witte, Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. Springer Nature, 2024. doi:
Hanselle, Raphael, et al. “Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle.” Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III  Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles, edited by Wei Huang and Mehdi Ahmadian, Springer Nature, 2024,
Hanselle, Raphael u. a.: Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle, hg. von Huang, Wei/Ahmadian, Mehdi, o. O. 2024 ( Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME)) ).
Hanselle R, Stork D, Lück S, Rasche R, Naumann R, Witte S. Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle. Huang W, Ahmadian M, editors. Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III  Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 1: Rail Vehicles. Springer Nature; 2024. ( Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME)) ).


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