Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building

M. Alavi, T. Schmohl, Transformative Learning. Methodological and Conceptual Prerequisites for Future-Oriented Skill-Building, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna, 2023.

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Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
The current era, characterized by rapid digitalization, globalization and environmental issues, poses unique challenges and opportunities for both the educational sector and professional development. Increasingly, the research community calls for future-oriented skills as well as attitudes and values as underlying implicit concepts in order to meet the needs of today’s complex demands. These skills and implicit concepts include responsibility, inclusiveness, reflexivity, anticipation, data literacy or digital and interdisciplinary working. Some of them are based on facts and are therefore teachable, while others seem to be a matter of personal attitude and socialization and are therefore difficult to convey. In this paper we suggest educators to change their specialized knowledge-teaching settings into transdisciplinary learning contexts [1] and thus enabling transformative, situated, experiential and informal learning. We provide theoretical examples in which these didactic methodologies seem to be effective in order to impart these skills and reinforce the underlying implicit concepts. We will dive deeper into these arguments during the conference, while participants are encouraged to discuss the various elements that influence the concepts in the context of transdisciplinary learning. (DIPF/Orig.); Die heutige Zeit, die durch eine rasante Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Umweltprobleme gekennzeichnet ist, stellt sowohl den Bildungssektor als auch die berufliche Entwicklung vor einzigartige Herausforderungen und Chancen. In der Forschung werden zunehmend zukunftsorientierte Fähigkeiten sowie Einstellungen und Werte als zugrundeliegende implizite Konzepte gefordert, um den komplexen Anforderungen von heute gerecht zu werden. Zu diesen Fähigkeiten und impliziten Konzepten gehören Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Inklusivität, Reflexivität, Antizipation, Datenkompetenz oder digitales und interdisziplinäres Arbeiten. Einige von ihnen basieren auf Fakten und sind daher lehrbar, während andere eine Frage der persönlichen Einstellung und Sozialisation zu sein scheinen und daher schwer zu vermitteln sind. In diesem Beitrag schlagen wir Pädagogen vor, ihre spezialisierten Wissenslehrsettings in transdisziplinäre Lernkontexte [1] zu verwandeln und so transformatives, situiertes, erfahrungsbasiertes und informelles Lernen zu ermöglichen. Wir stellen theoretische Beispiele vor, in denen diese didaktischen Methoden effektiv zu sein scheinen, um diese Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln und die zugrunde liegenden impliziten Konzepte zu stärken. Wir werden diese Argumente während der Konferenz vertiefen, während die Teilnehmer aufgefordert sind, die verschiedenen Elemente zu diskutieren, die die Konzepte im Kontext des transdisziplinären Lernens beeinflussen. (Autor)
Titel Konferenzband
Conference proceedings. 13th international conference "The future of education". Hybrid edition, 29-30 June 2023
5 S.
13th international conference "The future of education".
2023-06-29 – 2023-06-30


Alavi M, Schmohl T. Transformative Learning. Methodological and Conceptual Prerequisites for Future-Oriented Skill-Building. Filodiritto Editore; 2023:5 S. doi:
Alavi, M., & Schmohl, T. (2023). Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building. In Conference proceedings. 13th international conference “The future of education”. Hybrid edition, 29-30 June 2023 (p. 5 S.). Filodiritto Editore.
Alavi M and Schmohl T (2023) Transformative Learning. Methodological and Conceptual Prerequisites for Future-Oriented Skill-Building. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore.
Alavi, Marie, and Tobias Schmohl. Transformative Learning. Methodological and Conceptual Prerequisites for Future-Oriented Skill-Building. Conference Proceedings. 13th International Conference “The Future of Education”. Hybrid Edition, 29-30 June 2023. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore, 2023.
Alavi, Marie und Tobias Schmohl. 2023. Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building. Conference proceedings. 13th international conference „The future of education“. Hybrid edition, 29-30 June 2023. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore. doi:, .
Alavi, Marie ; Schmohl, Tobias: Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building. Bologna : Filodiritto Editore, 2023
M. Alavi, T. Schmohl, Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna, 2023.
M. Alavi and T. Schmohl, Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore, 2023, p. 5 S. doi:
Alavi, Marie, and Tobias Schmohl. “Transformative Learning. Methodological and Conceptual Prerequisites for Future-Oriented Skill-Building.” Conference Proceedings. 13th International Conference “The Future of Education”. Hybrid Edition, 29-30 June 2023, Filodiritto Editore, 2023, p. 5 S.,
Alavi, Marie/Schmohl, Tobias: Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building, Bologna 2023.
Alavi M, Schmohl T. Transformative learning. Methodological and conceptual prerequisites for future-oriented skill-building. Conference proceedings. 13th international conference “The future of education”. Hybrid edition, 29-30 June 2023. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore; 2023.


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