{"publication_status":"published","intvolume":" 95","year":"2023","_id":"11385","date_updated":"2024-05-21T07:23:32Z","date_created":"2024-04-26T06:52:48Z","title":"Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"chicago-de":"Kosse, Pascal, Tanja Hernández Rodriguez, Björn Frahm, Manfred Lübken und Marc Wichern. 2023. Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95, Nr. 12: 1960–1969. doi:10.1002/cite.202300082, .","ama":"Kosse P, Hernández Rodriguez T, Frahm B, Lübken M, Wichern M. Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 2023;95(12):1960-1969. doi:10.1002/cite.202300082","din1505-2-1":"Kosse, Pascal ; Hernández Rodriguez, Tanja ; Frahm, Björn ; Lübken, Manfred ; Wichern, Marc: Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik Bd. 95, Wiley (2023), Nr. 12, S. 1960–1969","van":"Kosse P, Hernández Rodriguez T, Frahm B, Lübken M, Wichern M. Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 2023;95(12):1960–9.","mla":"Kosse, Pascal, et al. “Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for PH Calculations.” Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 95, no. 12, 2023, pp. 1960–69, https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202300082.","ieee":"P. Kosse, T. Hernández Rodriguez, B. Frahm, M. Lübken, and M. Wichern, “Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations,” Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 95, no. 12, pp. 1960–1969, 2023, doi: 10.1002/cite.202300082.","havard":"P. Kosse, T. Hernández Rodriguez, B. Frahm, M. Lübken, M. Wichern, Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations, Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 95 (2023) 1960–1969.","apa":"Kosse, P., Hernández Rodriguez, T., Frahm, B., Lübken, M., & Wichern, M. (2023). Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 95(12), 1960–1969. https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202300082","bjps":"Kosse P et al. (2023) Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for PH Calculations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95, 1960–1969.","ufg":"Kosse, Pascal u. a.: Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for pH Calculations, in: Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95 (2023), H. 12, S. 1960–1969.","short":"P. Kosse, T. Hernández Rodriguez, B. Frahm, M. Lübken, M. Wichern, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95 (2023) 1960–1969.","chicago":"Kosse, Pascal, Tanja Hernández Rodriguez, Björn Frahm, Manfred Lübken, and Marc Wichern. “Validation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Software‐Integrated Workflow for PH Calculations.” Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95, no. 12 (2023): 1960–69. https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202300082."},"type":"scientific_journal_article","status":"public","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0009-286X"],"eissn":["1522-2640"]},"publication":"Chemie Ingenieur Technik","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Accurate pH calculations are essential for scientists across different disciplines to design optimal reactor solutions, but they can be arduous to calculate for complex acid-base solutions. Visual Water is a powerful software tool that provides accurate pH calculations with automated mathematical uncertainty analysis. Its workflow is presented and validated using acids and bases, showing a deviation of < 0.2 pH units between measured and calculated pH values. This highlights the software's reliability, which can help to simplify the work of non-experts in water chemistry."}],"volume":95,"user_id":"83781","department":[{"_id":"DEP4000"}],"publisher":"Wiley","page":"1960-1969","doi":"10.1002/cite.202300082","author":[{"last_name":"Kosse","first_name":"Pascal","full_name":"Kosse, Pascal"},{"last_name":"Hernández Rodriguez","first_name":"Tanja","id":"52466","full_name":"Hernández Rodriguez, Tanja"},{"full_name":"Frahm, Björn","id":"45666","first_name":"Björn","last_name":"Frahm"},{"full_name":"Lübken, Manfred","last_name":"Lübken","first_name":"Manfred"},{"last_name":"Wichern","first_name":"Marc","full_name":"Wichern, Marc"}],"issue":"12"}